This repository contains several examples on how to run several backend services which are useful to interact with Wirepas Mesh technology at a backend level.
In more detail this repository contains instructions on how to run:
Elastic Search: a search engine based on the Lucene library homepage;
Kibana: an open source data visualization plugin for Elasticsearch homepage.
Under cookbook you will find useful receipts on how to put several of these services together.
The examples in this repository require that your host has the following dependencies:
Python (recommended > 3.6)
Pip or equivalent
Docker engine (any version compatible with compose 2.0)
Docker compose (latest available)
Ensure Python is installed by typing on a terminal
python --version
If the command succeeds, you will be shown the current version of python installed on your system. In case it fails, please use your distribution's package manager on how to download and install Python.
Afterwards, check if pip is installed by typying the command
pip --version
If it fails to install please use your distribution's channel or follow the installation tips in Pip's page.
To check if docker is installed type
docker --version
If the command fails, please review the official installation instructions on how to install Docker on your host.
Similarly, check if docker-compose is installed by typying
docker-compose --version
If the command fails install docker-compose with
pip install --user docker-compose
After the installation, please ensure that your PATH variable contains the path where docker-compose is installed to:
Add the instruction to your .bashrc file in order to preserve the path between terminal sessions.
You can retrieve public builds from our registry in Docker hub.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for the full license text.