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Mogens Heller Grabe edited this page Sep 23, 2022 · 1 revision

Rebus can be configured to enable "saga auditing", which plugs in a mechanism that will generate a snapshot of each saga state, outputting it to some kind of "snapshot storage".

You can enable it by going

	configure => configure
		.Transport(t => (...))
		.Options(o => o.EnableSagaAuditing().<1>)

where <1> can then configure some kind of snapshot storage. A simple approach would be to simply output saga state snapshots to Rebus' normal logger, which can be enabled by going

    configure => configure
        .Transport(t => t.(...))
        .Options(o => o.EnableSagaAuditing().OutputToLog())

Other types of snapshot storage can be had, too – e.g. by installing the Rebus.SqlServer package and using the .StoreInSqlServer(...) extension.

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