Simple is beautiful.
A light & simple vivado project manager, natively working in Linux/Unix command line.
Init, build, burn any vivado project in one command.
Extremely simple, flexible, and customizable project layout.
Burn auto saved built binary at anytime and any machine.
Built-in support to an extremely simple constraint file format:
. -
Full vivado GUI support.
Support every hardware supported by vivado.
Theoretically support any vivado version (But latest is the best).
- Arch Linux
You may install AUR package vivado-wrapper directly with your favorite package manager.
- Other Linux
git clone
export vivado_exec="/path/to/your/vivado" # Bash
set -Ux vivado_exec "/path/to/your/vivado" # Fish
Or if you want to make yourself happier:
set -Ux PATH $PATH (pwd)/vivado-wrapper # Fish
export PATH="$PATH:$(pwd)/vivado-wrapper" # Bash
alias vivadow=vivado-wrapper # I'll use this wrapper in the doc below.
- Create Project
mkdir my_project && cd my_project
vivadow init
code . # Or any editor you prefer.
vim Vivadofile # To tell vivado-wrapper about your module~constraint relationship, threads, board, etc.
- Build Project
cd vivado-wrapper/example
vivadow build
# Plug in your board now
vivadow burn
Or you can easily burn a pre-built bitstream:
vivadow burn-file ./build/other_mod.bit
- Run Simulation (Or other GUI-only Tasks)
Warning: All modification to sources/constraints will be saved to origin project. All modification to other project-level configurations, adding or removing sources, will be discarded.
vivadow gui
This is a bash script, so it can be easily injected. Vivadofile
and .vwc
constraint will be directly source
d. Never trust Vivadofile uploaded by others!
If you give a wrong top_module name, silly vivado will accept it, and generate bitstream for a randomly-taken module(with long time spent), then report error.
Support bridging C/C++ into systemverilog via SV DPI. However my vivado 2018 failed to simulate it, saying xsim.dir/tb_dpi_behav/xsimk: error while loading shared libraries: unexpected PLT reloc type 0x00