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Morse code functions implemented in javascript and Web Audio, painstakingly wrapped in a Polymer-0.5 web component user interface, and packaged up as a Chrome Application.

To use these sources, or any other Polymer project in source form, you will need to install bower ("sudo npm install -g bower"), a javascript package manager. This requires you to figure out how to install npm, another javascript package manager, and its dependencies by other means.

Once bower is available, then run "bower install" in the root of this project to download the polymer-0.5 code and components specified by the bower.json configuration file. At present it downloads everything so my development is not interrupted by missing components. Bower will put everything it downloads into bower_components which is ignored by git.

To run the application using the unbundled sources, you need to run an http server in the root of the project so it can fulfill all the link requests that loading the index.html page and its dependents will generate. I run "python -m SimpleHTTPServer > http.log 2>&1&" to start the server in this directory and save the log. That works for me because of how my chromebook is set up, your mileage may vary.

Far and away, the easiest way to run this application is to grab the chrome application from the chrome store, but it isn't there yet.

This code has been entirely developed on a Chromebook using the dev-channel of ChromeOS. It runs there, it probably runs on recent versions of Chrome on other platforms, and it may run elsewhere.

The files in this directory kept in git on May 23, 2015.

  • Makefile - automation scripts
  • - this helpful
  • assets/ - the results of 24 hours of icon design
  • background.js - the chrome extension launch
  • bower.json - the bower package configuration
  • bower_components/ - where bower stores its packages
  • components/ - my sources
  • index.html - the root of this application
  • manifest.json - the chrome extension manifest
  • - my notes


Morse code, javascript, web audio, polymer






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