- Bug fix release - July 15, 2016
- fix bug for auto complete for the new Ace ide edtor that was add.
- fix bug where duplicate categories would be showin in the Deimos visual editor every time you saved a file.
- Added WebOS device connectivity.
- upgraded to LESS 1.7.5
- fix bug where file templates were not being used.
- Added more to the Javascript file template for new JS files to help newbies.
- upgraded Jake Gordon's state machine library
To bootstrap yourself...
If you don't have "nodejs" installed (server side Javascript engine) then go to this link to get it for your OS:
Next "cd" into your home directory and use the "node package manager" (NPM) to install the Ares Ecosystem IDE
npm -d install ares-ecosystem-ide
You can then launch Ares by issuing this command from the terminal:
~/node_modules/.bin/ares-ecosystem-ide -b