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aguard-redgate committed May 29, 2024
2 parents 61585d5 + b63b7ab commit 8ef9649
Showing 1 changed file with 14 additions and 69 deletions.
83 changes: 14 additions & 69 deletions Jenkins/Jenkinsfile_migrations
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,11 +9,6 @@ node {
def User = "HR"
def Password = "Redg@te1"
def FlywayLicenseKey = "FL0"
def CodeAnalysisReportName = "RegexAnalysisReport.html"

// def SQLCOMPARE='"C:\\Program Files\\Red Gate\\Schema Compare for Oracle 6\\sco.exe"'
// def SQLDATACOMPARE='"C:\\Program Files\\Red Gate\\Data Compare for Oracle 6\\dco.exe"'
def CODEANALYSIS='"C:\\Program Files\\Red Gate\\Code Analysis for Oracle\\cao.cmd"'

stage ('Prep') {
echo "Ensure the pipeline is configured to clean the Jenkins workspace before checkout"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -43,29 +38,11 @@ node {
if (status != 0) { error('Running CI build failed') }

// Execute the code analysis to check for issues
status = bat returnStatus: true, label: "Code Analysis", script:"${CODEANALYSIS} /source:migrations /outfile:CodeAnalysisResults.html /IAgreeToTheEula"
archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts:'CodeAnalysisResults.html'
echo "Status of Running CI build: $status"
if (status != 0) {
if (status == 1) { error('Redgate Code Analysis for Oracle failed to complete due to a fatal error') }
else if (status == 2) {
status = 1
echo "Redgate Code Analysis for Oracle only partially completed - often this is because one or more SQL files could not be parsed (such files are currently excluded from the generated reports)"
else if (status == 3) { error('Redgate Code Analysis for Oracle ran successfully but reported one or more errors in the analyzed SQL files') }
else if (status == 4) {
status = 1
echo "Redgate Code Analysis for Oracle ran successfully but reported one or more warnings in the analyzed SQL files"
else { error('Code Analysis failed') }

// Take a snapshot of the CI db after deploying to it to use in change reports for downstream environments
// Comparing the target environment to this snapshot will show an object level report of the expected changes
// status = bat returnStatus: true, label: "Snapshot", script:"${SQLCOMPARE} /i:sdwgvac /b:hdrg /forceservicename /source:${User}/${Password}@localhost/CI{${Schema}} /snp:BuildStatePostDeploy.onp"
// if (status != 0) { error('Failed to create a snapshot of the CI database after deploying to it') }
// archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts:'BuildStatePostDeploy.onp'

status = bat returnStatus: true, label: "Build Static Code Analysis", script:" FLYWAY check -code -url=${BuildDatabaseJdbc} -\"check.reportFilename=BuildAnalysisReport.html\" -user=${User} -password=${Password} -schemas=${Schema} -licenseKey=${FlywayLicenseKey}"
echo "deploying to Acceptance: $status"
archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: "BuildAnalysisReport.html"
if (status != 0) { error('Code Analysis Failed on Build') }


stage ('Unit Tests') {
Expand All @@ -86,18 +63,17 @@ node {

stage ('Deploy to Acceptance') {
echo "Deploying project to Acceptance Database"

// status = bat returnStatus: true, label: "Acceptance Deployment report", script:"${SQLCOMPARE} /i:sdwgvac /b:hdrg /forceservicename /source:BuildStatePostDeploy.onp{${Schema}} /target:${User}/${Password}@localhost/Acceptance{${Schema}} /report:Acceptance_schema_changes.html /reportType=interactive"
// archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: 'Acceptance_schema_changes.html'

// "Flyway check for drift and changes", script: "FLYWAY -url=${env.flywayUrlBuild} -user=${env.flywayUser} -password=${env.flywayPassword} check -changes -drift -dryrun -X -check.buildEnvironment=build -reportFilename=\"${env.flywayReportPath}\""

status = bat returnStatus: true, label: "Acceptance DryRun", script:" FLYWAY migrate -dryRunOutput=\"${OutputDirectory}/workspace/Acceptance.sql\" -url=${AcceptanceDatabaseJdbc} -user=${User} -password=${Password} -schemas=${Schema} -licenseKey=${FlywayLicenseKey}"
echo "Generating the dryrun script for Acceptance: $status"
if (status != 0) { error('Generating Dryrun script for Acceptance failed') }

status = bat returnStatus: true, label: "Acceptance Static Code Analysis", script:" FLYWAY check -code -url=${AcceptanceDatabaseJdbc} -\"check.reportFilename=${CodeAnalysisReportName}\" -user=${User} -password=${Password} -schemas=${Schema} -licenseKey=${FlywayLicenseKey}"
status = bat returnStatus: true, label: "Acceptance Static Code Analysis", script:" FLYWAY check -code -url=${AcceptanceDatabaseJdbc} -\"check.reportFilename=AcceptanceCodeAnalysisReport.html\" -user=${User} -password=${Password} -schemas=${Schema} -licenseKey=${FlywayLicenseKey}"
echo "deploying to Acceptance: $status"
archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: "RegexAnalysisReport.html"
if (status != 0) { error('Code Analysis Failed') }
archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: "AcceptanceCodeAnalysisReport.html"
if (status != 0) { error('Code Analysis Failed on Acceptance') }

status = bat returnStatus: true, label: "Acceptance Deployment", script:" FLYWAY migrate info -url=${AcceptanceDatabaseJdbc} -user=${User} -password=${Password} -schemas=${Schema} -licenseKey=${FlywayLicenseKey}"
echo "deploying to Acceptance: $status"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,33 +105,8 @@ node {
stage ('Deploy to Production') {
echo "Deploying to Production Database"

// Create a pre-deployment snapshot of Production
// status = bat returnStatus: true, label: "Production snapshot", script:"${SQLCOMPARE} /i:sdwgvac /b:hdrg /forceservicename /source:${User}/${Password}@localhost/Production{${Schema}} /snp:ProductionStatePreDeploy.onp"
// if (status != 0) { error('Generating Production snapshot failed') }
// archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: 'ProductionStatePreDeploy.onp'

// Checking for Production drift by using the Build snapshot from the previous build
// more logic needed to get latest successful build or possibly skip with warning/input from user if not found
// Integer previousBuildNumber = 0
// previousBuildNumber = "$BUILD_NUMBER" as Integer
// previousBuildNumber = previousBuildNumber - 1

// status = bat returnStatus: true, label: "Production drift check", script:"${SQLCOMPARE} /i:sdwgvac /b:hdrg /forceservicename /source:../builds/$previousBuildNumber/archive/BuildStatePostDeploy.onp{${Schema}} /target:ProductionStatePreDeploy.onp{${Schema}} /report=ProductionDriftReport.html /reportType=interactive"
// echo "Checking for Production Drift using /builds/$previousBuildNumber/archive/BuildStatePostDeploy.onp: $status"
// if (status == 61) {
// // Stop the build because Production has drifted or get ok from user to continue
// archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: 'ProductionDriftReport.html'
// archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: '**/ProductionDriftReport_images/**'
// error('Production has drifted since the last deployment')
// }

// Create a change report for Production
// status = bat returnStatus: true, label: "Production Deployment report", script:"${SQLCOMPARE} /i:sdwgvac /b:hdrg /forceservicename /source:BuildStatePostDeploy.onp{${Schema}} /target:ProductionStatePreDeploy.onp{${Schema}} /report:Production_schema_changes.html /reportType=interactive"
// echo "Generating the change report for Production: $status"
// if (status != 0 && status != 61) { error('ERROR: Generating Production change report failed') } // 0 = no diffs found; 61 = diffs found
// archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: 'Production_schema_changes.html'
// archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: '**/Production_schema_changes_images/**'
// status = bat returnStatus: true, label: "// "Flyway check for drift and changes", script: "FLYWAY -url=${env.flywayURL} -user=${env.flywayUser} -password=${env.flywayPassword} check -changes -drift -dryrun -X -check.buildEnvironment=build -reportFilename=\"${env.flywayReportPath}\""
// archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: '${env.flywayReportPath}\Report.html'

// Create the dry run script
status = bat returnStatus: true, label: "Production DryRun", script:" FLYWAY migrate -dryRunOutput=\"${OutputDirectory}/workspace/Production.sql\" -url=${ProductionDatabaseJdbc} -user=${User} -password=${Password} -schemas=${Schema} -licenseKey=${FlywayLicenseKey}"
Expand All @@ -168,11 +119,5 @@ node {
echo "deploying to Production: $status"
if (status != 0) { error('Deployment to Production failed') }

// Generate a rollback script for Production
// status = bat returnStatus: true, label: "Production rollback script", script:"${SQLCOMPARE} /i:sdwgvac /b:hdrg /forceservicename /source:ProductionStatePreDeploy.onp{${Schema}} /target:BuildStatePostDeploy.onp{${Schema}} /scriptfile:Production_rollback_script.sql"
// echo "Generating the rollback script for Production: $status"
// //if (status != 0 && status != 61) { error('ERROR: Generating Production rollback script report failed') }
// archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: 'Production_rollback_script.sql'


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