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This package integrates the Svelte UI framework with Meteor's Tracker system. It makes it easy to write Svelte components which react automatically to changes in Meteor's data layer.

This package is still experimental. Use at your peril.


To add Svelte to your Meteor app, run:

meteor add svelte:compiler rdb:svelte-meteor-data
meteor npm install --save svelte@3.31.2


Unlike in Blaze, Svelte does not automatically become aware of changes to Meteor state, even inside $: blocks. This package provides some features that enable Svelte to become aware of such changes.

Reactive computations with useTracker

The useTracker() function can be used to expose any reactive computation as a Svelte store. You need only pass a callable returning a computed value, which will be run the first time it is used and then every time the computed value changes. The updated value is automatically made available to Svelte.

For example, this example makes the current Meteor user available in a component, and causes Svelte to update the appropriate element automatically when the current user changes:

  import { useTracker } from 'meteor/rdb:svelte-meteor-data';

  const currentUser = useTracker(() => Meteor.user());

<h1>Welcome {$currentUser.username}!</h1>

You can even mix Meteor reactivity with Svelte reactivity:

  import { useTracker } from 'meteor/rdb:svelte-meteor-data';

  let selectedUserId;

  $: selectedUser = useTracker(() => Meteor.users.findOne(selectedUserId));

<p>Selected {$selectedUser.username}</p>


While it's possible to use queries with useTracker(() => query.fetch()), this package supports a more convenient way to handle reactive queries, by allowing you to use a MongoDB cursor directly as a Svelte store:

  export let fruitColor = 'blue';

  $: fruits = Fruits.find({color: fruitColor});

<p>Showing {$fruits.length} {fruitColor}-colored fruits:</p>
  {#each $fruits as fruit}


You can safely use Meteor.subscribe in your components without worrying about clean-up. The subscription will be stopped automatically when the component is destroyed.

As an added feature, you can use a subscription handle in an {#await} block:

{#await Meteor.subscribe('todos')}
  <p>Loading todos…</p>
  <TodoList />


It is possible to use Tracker.autorun() with a function that is automatically re-run when its Meteor dependencies change. It will stop being updated when the component is destroyed. This will work fine for top-level computations that do not depend on any dynamic Svelte state, such as in this example:

  let currentUser;

  Tracker.autorun(() => {
    currentUser = Meteor.user();

To make the autorun also respond to Svelte state changes, you need to put it under a $: block. This will work, but with some caveats: if the Tracker state is invalidated right after a change to the Svelte state, all $: blocks will be re-run. It is therefore better to use useTracker instead, as listed above.


A Meteor ReactiveVar will work seamlessly as a Svelte store, and can be accessed and bound like any writable store using the $ operator:

  import { ReactiveVar } from 'meteor/reactive-var';

  const store = new ReactiveVar("initial");

<input type="text" bind:value={$store} />

<p>Value is {$store}</p>

Session variables

If you are using Meteor Session variables, these can be exposed as a reactive Svelte store using the useSession hook. The first argument is the session key to expose, and the optional second argument allows you to set a default value for the session variable, as an added convenience.

This function is only available if the session package has been added.

  import { useSession } from 'meteor/rdb:svelte-meteor-data';

  const store = useSession('mySessionKey', 'initial');

  // The above is equivalent to:
  //Session.setDefault('mySessionKey', 'initial')
  //const store = useSession('mySessionKey');

<input type="text" bind:value={$store} />

<p>Value is {$store}</p>


Reactively track Meteor data inside Svelte components







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