Releases: redcanaryco/invoke-atomicredteam
Releases · redcanaryco/invoke-atomicredteam
v2.2.0: Added new loggers and minor bug fixes
What's Changed
- Get-PreferredIPAddress MacOS fix. by @dwhite9 in #185
- Fix for hung runner when AV kills the process running the atomic by @clr2of8 in #171
- Atomic sudo by @dwhite9 in #189
- Calling Invoke-ExecuteCommand bug fix - Invalid parameter order. by @Jake151 in #190
- Revert "Calling Invoke-ExecuteCommand bug fix - Invalid parameter order. " by @clr2of8 in #192
- Revert "Atomic sudo" by @clr2of8 in #193
- Validate Byte Order marks before committing to GitHub by @cyberbuff in #194
- Switch Atomic Runner to use a Service instead of a Scheduled Task by @clr2of8 in #188
- add logfile name to runner config by @clr2of8 in #201
- Adding multiple loggers by @cyberbuff in #199
- Adding warning for unsupported platforms instead of errors by @cyberbuff in #200
- Update Attire-ExecutionLogger.psm1 by @krdmnbrk in #203
- fix for file not found issue by @clr2of8 in #206
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.1.0...v2.2.0
v2.1.0 Atomic Runner Reliability and Options, Kubernetes manifest
What's Changed
- Update Syslog-ExecutionLogger.psm1 by @cyberbuff in #168
- Call hooks from main invoke code, pass copy of atomic and inputArgs by @clr2of8 in #172
- Runner reliability update by @clr2of8 in #174
- parse hostname correctly with dash by @clr2of8 in #176
- PowerShellScript Analyzer fixes by @clr2of8 in #175
- Kubernetes Deployment manifest for Atomic Red tests by @nigel-falco in #177
- PSScript Analyzer fixes by @cyberbuff in #179
- fix character encoding issue by @clr2of8 in #180
- Fix Encoding by @cyberbuff in #181
- Update Invoke-AtomicTest.ps1 by @cyberbuff in #182
- Update install-atomicsfolder.ps1 by @cyberbuff in #183
- Update Invoke-AtomicRedTeam.psd1 by @clr2of8 in #184
New Contributors
- @nigel-falco made their first contribution in #177
Full Changelog: v2.0.7...v2.1.0
Fix Dockerhub release
Merge pull request #164 from redcanaryco/cyberbuff-patch-1 Update dockerhub username
Add docker functionality
What's Changed
- Docker containers by @cyberbuff in #154
- Release version 2.0.6 for docker containers by @cyberbuff in #163
Full Changelog: v2.0.5.1...v2.0.6
Windows Sandbox addition and Atomic Runner updates
Merge pull request #162 from redcanaryco/clr2of8-patch-3 bump version for release
Windows Sandbox addition and Atomic Runner updates
What's Changed
- Windows Sandbox Configuration by @cyberbuff in #152
- start winrm service by @clr2of8 in #157
- add rename retries by @clr2of8 in #159
- add atomic runner hooks by @clr2of8 in #158
- Option to pause runner between atomics & invoke-commandfix by @clr2of8 in #161
- display exit code for each atomic by @clr2of8 in #160
Full Changelog: v2.0.4...v2.0.5
Configurable Syslog Protocol
What's Changed
- verbose output to indicate the supplied input args weren't used by @clr2of8 in #147
- clarify which expand-archive function to use by @clr2of8 in #146
- add anyOS flag to force showing details for all platforms by @clr2of8 in #145
- fix typo in author twitter handle by @clr2of8 in #144
- Fix parsing of IP address on Linux for use in execution logs by @dwhite9 in #148
- configurable syslog logger protocol by @clr2of8 in #149
- fix test number calculation by @clr2of8 in #150
Full Changelog: v2.0.2...v2.0.3
PowerShell Gallery Compatability
Adjusted the module manifest (psd1) to allow publishing to the PowerShell Gallery.
Atomic Runner bug Fixes, Execution Logger Options Added
- Add option to suppress printing of atomics folder to screen
- Tab completion of technique numbers
- Option to log execution details to Windows event log
- Don't erase the src and bin directories when using NoPayloads option
- Add timestamp to execution log filename
- Atomic Runner: Allow atomic runner schedule file name to be configurable
- Atomic Runner: Skip renaming computer if it isn't changing (if you only have one atomic test on your schedule for example)
- Update execution loggers to detect IP address of host
- Update Install-AtomicsFolder to support PowerShell 7.2+
- Add check for stdout or stderr being NUL to avoid error message
- Atomic Runner: Fix bug in Invoke-AtomicRunner where atomics were being executed twice
- Atomic Runner: Setup atomic runner script now adds needed file permission on macOS/Linux
- Warn if no atomics found for executionPlatform
- Handle case where remote session is null and causes process to hang