This is a document generation and template management service. This allows to generate documents based on a given template name and placeholder data in JSON format and will also store the generated document in the Evidence Management Store.
The service provides a single RESTful endpoint that will generate the document, store it in Evidence Management Store and return the link to the stored data.
The project uses Gradle as a build tool but you don't have to install it locally since there is a
wrapper script.
To build project please execute the following command:
./gradlew build
First you need to create distribution by executing following command:
./gradlew installDist
When the distribution has been created in build/install/div-document-generator
you can run the application by executing following command:
- Run
docker build . -t hmcts/finrem-document-generator-client:latest
- Export docmosis-api-access-key (ask finrem dev members to provide one)
- Run
docker-compose up
As a result the following container(s) will get created and started:
- long living container for API application exposing port
API documentation is provided with Swagger:
- UI to interact with the API resources
To run all unit tests please execute following command:
./gradlew test
To run all checks (including unit tests) please execute following command:
./gradlew check
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
We follow RESTful API standards.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.