This branch is created to do test in windows.
#for production
Follow the below steps.
There are two differnt frontend zip.
one moj-probate-frontend which was working in Pass azure.
anothe one probate-frontend which is giving troble.
Instruction to test iss same
The tar files already contains NODE_MODULES so don't run
commands yarn install
and yarn setup
in Azure PAAS we don't start app using yarn start
We simple need to set the path.
Go to probate fronend dir and set path node path.
export NODE_PATH=.
and to start app
node server.js
set NODE_PATH . (in windows this did not work)
so updated the enviroinment varaible usind Advanced System setting. (Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\System)
Upated value looks like this ".;C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules".
and to start app
node server.js