This repository provides some exercises around Redis commands that are related to geospatial search.
- Ensure that your computer is connected to the internet as your computer will need to access some external resources (e.g., CCS files & JavaScript UI libraries)
- You will need access to a Redis database (Use Redis Cloud, install Redis Community Edition or run it locally via docker)
- Clone the following code repository locally: !
- This results in a local working copy of the source code.
- Please don’t publish the source code (e.g., by forking and pushing to a public Git repo)!
- Prepare a Python 3.x development environment!
cd geoapp python3 -m venv geoappvenv source geoappvenv/bin/activate python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt python --version
- Configure the application to use your Redis database via the file ‘’!
- The default configuration uses localhost and port 6379.
- Change the directory to the source code directory ‘geoapp’!
- Run the command
- The application listens on port 5500, so you will be able to reach it via http://localhost:5500
- It’s expected to see the following:
- Click on the link ‘Test DB Connectivity’. The expected result is: