This plugin makes it easy to test ES modules with importmap-rails when using Rails 7 or later. It integrates the Mocha JavaScript testing library (using Chai as the assertion library, @mswjs/interceptors as the mocking library) and runs tests for ES modules delivered with importmap in the browser.
Library | Version |
Mocha | 11.1.0 |
Chai | 5.1.2 |
@mswjs/interceptors | 0.37.5 |
More useful in combination with the rails_live_reload gem
Assuming you have already installed importmap-rails with Rails 7, add the following to your Gemfile and run bundle install
group :test, :development do
gem 'importmap_mocha-rails'
Write your JavaScript tests in test/javascripts
or spec/javascripts
. One-to-one tests are named foo.test.js for a module named foo.js. Access http://localhost:3000/rails/info/mocha
in the Rails testing or development environment to view the test results.
By default, importmap-rails manages ES modules under app/javascript
, app/assets/javascripts
, and vendor/javascripts
import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"
export default class extends Controller {
static targets = ["clear"];
clear(e) {
this.clearTargets.forEach(o => { o.value = ''});
import { assert } from "chai"
import { Application } from "@hotwired/stimulus"
import ClearController from 'controllers/clear_controller'
const html = `<div data-controller="clear">
<input id="target" type="text" value="foo" data-clear-target="clear">
<button data-action="clear#clear">test</button>
describe('clear controller', () => {
let container;
before(async () => {
container = document.getElementById('container')
const app = Application.start(container);
await app.register('clear', ClearController);
container.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', html)
after(() => {
const clone = container.cloneNode(false);
container.parentNode.replaceChild(clone, container);
describe('click', () => {
it('The value of input element is cleard', async () => {
const target = container.querySelector('#target');
const button = container.querySelector('button');
assert.equal('', target.value);
- config.importmap_mocha_style: The style of the test code,
. Default is"bdd"
. - config.importmap_mocha_path: The location where the test code is stored. Default is
. - config.importmap_mocha_scripts: The scripts to be loaded globally. e.g.
It is strongly recommended to use with rails_live_reload
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
group :development do
gem "importmap_mocha_rails"
gem "rails_live_reload"
And then execute:
bundle install
rails generate rails_live_reload:install
Edit initializer
# frozen_string_literal: true
RailsLiveReload.configure do |config| %r{app/views/.+\.(erb|haml|slim)$}
# Monitor JavaScript tests in addition to default paths %r{(app|vendor|test)/(assets|javascript|javascripts)/\w+/(.+\.(css|js|html|png|jpg|ts|jsx)).*}, reload: :always
end if defined?(RailsLiveReload)
Takashi Kato