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GHC compiled against alternative C standard libraries on Linux

This repository contains precompiled binary releases of GHC (The Glasgow Haskell Compiler) for linux using musl and uClibc instead of glibc.

These are fully bootstrapped (i.e. stage 2) GHC binaries and not cross compilers. So they will not work in a typical glibc based linux distribution. You need a complete musl/uclibc based environment to use them. Also, the binaries produced by these compilers will all depend on musl/uclibc and not work on most glibc based distros. On the other hand, statically linked binaries should work everywhere.


How to use this

You need a complete musl/uClibc based environment. See here for an example using the experimental gentoo image based on musl.


  • Notes for the musl releases.
  • Notes for the uClibc releases.