EDBC is Emacs-Lisp-based data access technology.
It is an acronym Emacs-Lisp Database Connectivity, with DB being universally recognized as the abbreviation for database. This technology is an API for the Emacs-Lisp programming language that defines how a client may access a data. It provides methods for querying and updating data in a database. EDBC is oriented towards relational databases.
A sample to connect sqlite:
(edbc-with-connect ((url "users.db"))
(let ((id 1)
(name "Joe")
(nickname "redraiment"))
; Purge table
(edbc delete from users)
; Equals insert into users (id, name) values (1, 'Joe') on sqlite
(edbc insert into users (id, name) values (:id, :name))
; Equals update users set name = 'redraiment' where id = 1 on sqlite
(edbc update users set name = :nickname where id = :(identity id))
; Returns ((("id" . "1") ("name" . "redraiment")))
(edbc select * from users)))