This software imports the ConceptNet Knowledge Base (version tested: 5.3) into neo4j 2.2.2. This project was inspired by a post from Max De Marzi who also provided the original software.
This rewrite does not use the Bloom filter anymore as according to ConceptNet wiki the uri is unique among assertions and the provided CSV files provide a list of assertions.
Moreover, this software adds relations to nodes in the same hierarchy. For instance, if we have nodes
- A: "/c/en/able"
- B: "/c/en/able/a/having_the_necessary_means_or_skill_or_know-how_or_authority_to_do_something"
normally A and B are not connected through a relation. Therefore, we add the following two relations with weight 10.0 between these two nodes:
- A /r/DownHierarchy B
- B /r/UpHierarchy A
Optionally, it is possible to perform Part-Of-Speech (POS) tagging of the two concepts within the surface text of every relation by means of the Stanford CoreNLP software.
- NEW!: Check out Neo_Wordnet to import Wordnet into neo4j!
- NEW!: Check out Neo_Merger to import Conceptnet and Wordnet into the same neo4j graph!
- neo4j version 2.2.2 (needed for the new import tool)
- ConceptNet 5.3 provides a list of assertions
- regular Python, no dependencies
- optionally, the latest version of Stanford CoreNLP
Tested with neo4j-community-2.2.2.
mkdir neo4j-kbs
cd neo4j-kbs
git clone
# get latest conceptnet from
mkdir conceptnet
cd concepnet
tar jxvf conceptnet5_flat_csv_5.3.tar.bz2
ln -s csv_<version> csv_current
cd ..
# Usage:
# python <input directory> [ALL_LANGUAGES]
# If the flag ALL_LANGUAGES is not set, only English concepts will be converted
# this will take a while
python neo_concept/ conceptnet/csv_current/assertions/
# optionally, you can get the POS tags. This assumes that stanford nlp is installed in
# stanfordNLPdir = "../stanford-corenlp-python/stanford-corenlp-full-2015-01-30"
# neoConceptRootForSNLP = '../../neo4j-kbs/conceptnet/'
# modify the two variables above in to fit your stanford nlp installation
# the following commands will take a while and were tested with a java memory of 2GB
python neo_concept/ surface conceptnet/edges.csv
python neo_concept/ genpos conceptnet/edges.csv 50000
python neo_concept/ poscount conceptnet/edges.csv
# If you are interested in a getting the Set of the relations' types then do:
python neo_conceptnet/
# From a python shell you can load that set by doing:
import cPickle as pickle
relsSet = pickle.load(open( "../conceptnet/relsSet.p", "rb" ) )
# get latest neo4j (tested with neo4j-community-2.2.2)
curl -O -J -L
tar zxf neo4j-community-2.2.2-unix.tar.gz
# do only one of the two import commands below. If you calculated the POS tags, edges.csv is no longer needed
# import nodes.csv and edges.csv using the new import tool (WITHOUT POS TAGS!) -- this will take a while too
neo4j-community-2.2.2/bin/neo4j-import --into neo4j-community-2.2.2/data/graph.db --nodes conceptnet/nodes.csv --relationships conceptnet/edges.csv --delimiter "TAB"
# import nodes.csv and edges.csv using the new import tool (WITH POS TAGS!) -- this will take a while too
neo4j-community-2.2.2/bin/neo4j-import --into neo4j-community-2.2.2/data/graph.db --nodes conceptnet/nodes.csv --relationships conceptnet/edgesPOS.csv --delimiter "TAB"
# start neo4j
neo4j-community-2.2.2/bin/neo4j start
Goto localhost:7474 to see the graph. Create and index on Concepts for performance reasons:
CREATE INDEX ON :Concept(id)
You can now query the database. Example:
MATCH (sushi {id:"/c/en/sushi"}), sushi-[r]->other_concepts
RETURN,, type(r), r.context, r.weight, r.surface