This is a demo repo for the Manga Performer library.
This repo contains:
- Bower config that can install Manga Performer and it's dependencies.
- A copy of Chapter 01 of the CC-BY-NC licensed Ubunchu manga converted to JPEG. And an index.html that presents it using Manga Performer.
- A Gruntfile that will run a local webserver with the demo when you run the
grunt server
The demo requires Node, npm, and Bower to be installed. You should also install Grunt using npm install -g grunt-cli
to use the server.
If you wish to use a development copy of Manga Performer follow these steps before setting up the demo.
- After cloning the mangaperformer repo
into it and runbower link
. cd
into the demo repo and runbower link mangaperformer
To setup the environment and run the server run the following.
$ bower install # Install Manga Performer and it's dependencies
$ npm install # Install the libraries needed by the server
$ grunt server # Run the webserver and open in the browser