I heard the official dropmenu will release at 0.10.0, but I also heard the official version always delay. There is a rough ngMaterial module cottaged from ng-select, For temporary use before the official dropmenu release.
This module is Keyborad sensitive and has backdrop support, just like ng-select, but no ng-model support.
You must have *** ng-material 0.9.6. ***
Demo is in the package.
這是一個ngMaterial的下拉菜單的粗燥實現,山寨自官方的ng-select,我已經把ng-model的綁定去掉了。 聽說他們官方的大爺們會在0.10.0推出下拉菜單,0.8到0.9用了幾個月,我等不及了於是山寨了這個,你們要是也等不及可以用這個湊合用用先。不過ng-material那麼坑的項目我估計沒有幾個月你們也不一定可以搞出成果。 btw: 必須要說,雖然ng-material比較差,但是在眾多同類框架中,它差的很穩定,於是我們的項目最後還是確定選用這個框架。
這個需要 0.9.6 以上版本支持,不要指望IE(<10)之類的瀏覽器能夠完美支持。
下載看Demo 注意引用關係。
ng-material-dropmenu.js must load after angular-material.js (ngMaterial)
ng-material-dropmenu.css must load after angular-material.css
html code
<md-dropmenu> <md-drop-label> <md-button> Button </md-button> </md-drop-label> <md-drop-optgroup label="Option Group 1"> <md-drop-option>Option #1-1</md-drop-option> <md-drop-option>Option #1-2</md-drop-option> </md-drop-optgroup> <md-drop-option>Option #2</md-drop-option> </md-dropmenu>
you can add ng-click on md-drop-option or change anything in side md-drop-label for custom your dropbtn
<md-dropmenu disabled-auto-focus>
This attributes will disabled automatic focus to the 'first option' when open the dropmenu.
from bower:
bower install ng-material-dropmenu
from github: just download from this repo...