ReerKit is a collection of native Swift extensions that provide convenient methods, syntactic sugar, and performance improvements for various native data types, UIKit, and Cocoa classes for iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS, and Linux platforms.
All system type extensions in the framework have the re
infix added to avoid ambiguity issues when calling the same name extension, such as
There are also a of other convenient features available.
// Access dictionary contents using dot notation implemented by dynamic member lookup
let dict: [String: Any] = ... <=> dict["user_name"] as? String
// Weak reference container, automatically removes elements when they are destroyed.
WeakSet, WeakMap
// Set grayscale mode for UIView = true
// Data Structure Encapsulation
BinaryTree, Tree, LinkedList, Queue, BoundedQueue, Stack, OrderedSet, OrderDictionary
// Lock Encapsulation
MutexLock, ReadWriteLock, Synchronizing, UnfaireLock
// PropertyWrappers
Clamped, Locked, Rounded, RWLocked, Trimmed
// Other Utility
RSA, AES, CountdownTimer, Debouncer, Throttler, DeinitObserver, KeyboardManager, Keychain, Reachability, NanoID, MulticastDelegate
// Additionally, it provides a large number of extension methods and vars for frameworks such as the standard library, UIKit, and Foundation.
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iOS 12.0+
macOS 10.13+
tvOS 12.0+
watchOS 4.0+
visionOS 1.0+
Ubuntu 14.04+
Swift 5.9+
XCode 15.4+
To integrate ReerKit into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your `Podfile`:
pod 'ReerKit'
To integrate ReerKit into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your `Cartfile`:
github "ReerKit/ReerKit" ~> 1.1.2
Swift Package Manager
You can use Swift Package Manager to install ReerKit by adding the proper description in your `Package.swift` file:
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
targets: [],
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "1.1.2")
Next, add `ReerKit` to your targets dependencies as shown below:
dependencies: [
Then run `swift package update`.
Please note that Swift Package Manager does not support building for iOS/tvOS/macOS/watchOS applications.