Elixir-based DSL for writing bots
# apps/mnogobot/lib/mnogobot.ex
defmodule Mnogobot do
import MnogobotDSL
bot do
dialog Hey do
say "heyyy!" # Send message and wait for user response
reply "Yo bro" # Reply with mention: @user, Yo bro
name = ask "Whats your name?" # Store user answers
balance = 12 # Define custom variable
say "Hello #{name}, your balance is #{balance}" # Use your variables in messages
image "https://i.imgur.com/qo9nKso.jpeg" # Send media
sticker ":yo:", only: [:slack] # Define platform-specific logic
dialog privet, [trigger: "!elo"] do # Trigger dialogs by user message
say "Your elo is"
dialog buy, [trigger: starts_with("buy")] do # Much flexible
say "You are buying..."
dialog sell, each: [120, :message] do
say "I am selling something to you"
- Install deps:
mix deps.get
- Write some code in
- Execute:
mix generate_actions
- You will have something like that in terminal:
Created dialog with name dialog_hey_actions, containing 6 actions, 1 variables and trigger: nil
Created dialog with name dialog_privet_actions, containing 1 actions, 0 variables and trigger: "!elo"
Created dialog with name dialog_buy_actions, containing 1 actions, 0 variables and trigger: ["starts_with", "buy"]
Created dialog with name dialog_sell_actions, containing 1 actions, 0 variables and trigger: nil
File generated: actions_encoded.json
- Then move generated
file toapps/mnogobot_DESIRED_INTEGRATION/priv/
- Configure your bot in
- Start your integration app and enjoy