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marekkokot edited this page Mar 3, 2025 · 2 revisions

Precompiled binaries

The easiest way to get SPLASH is to use precompiled release. To get version 2.11.6 and run the example, is is sufficient to do the following:

curl -L | tar xz
cd example

Docker container

It is possible to run splash using the docker container available through GitHub packages (

To pull the image run:

sudo docker pull # replace version number if needed

Example of how to run splash with docker. Prerequisites:

  • There is input.txt in the current directory
  • All input splash files defined in the input.txt are in the same or child directory
sudo docker run -v `pwd`:/home/ubuntu splash input.txt

Singularity container

Sometimes, sudo is unavailable (for example, on HPC). In such a case docker container may be transformed into a singularity container (

To pull the singularity version of splash use:

singularity pull docker:// # replace version as needed

This will result in a splash_2.11.6.sif file created in the current directory. To execute splash using this file run:

./splash_2.11.6.sif splash input.txt

It is also possible to run without pulling first:

singularity run docker:// splash input.txt

It may be necessary to configure bind for singularity (-B parameter) depending on your configuration.

Compile from sources

SPLASH is implemented as several applications written in the C++ programming language and a Python wrapper to run the whole pipeline. A compiler supporting C++20 is needed to compile the code. You can use the following snippet to compile SPLASH.

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd splash
make -j

After this splash may be run as follows:

bin/splash # this will print help

Install the compiled splash

The simplest way of installing splash after compilation is to run:

sudo make install

If the PREFIX environment variable is not defined the above will install splash in /usr/local/bin which requires sudo. It is possible to override the install location so that sudo is not required. For example, to install in the user's home directory, one may run:

make install PREFIX=~/splash


export PREFIX=~/splash
make install

Uninstall splash

To uninstall splash one may run:

sudo make uninstall

The same PREFIX should be used like for installation (depending on this sudo may be not required).

Running the example

To verify the installation on a small example, one may perform the following:

cd example
./ #download exemplary data
splash input.txt #run the pipeline with default parameters

The result consists of two TSV files, namely,

  1. result.after_correction.all_anchors.tsv
  2. result.after_correction.scores.tsv The first file contains all unfiltered anchors found by the pipeline. The second file contains only anchors whose corrected p-value is below 0.05.