Python client for the
The command-line script legipy
gives access to service commands from the command line and outputs data in JSON format.
Access to the legislature.
legipy legislatures
legipy published_laws [--legislature=CURRENT]
legipy law_projects [--legislature=CURRENT]
legipy law_proposals [--legislature=CURRENT]
List common laws ("Lois dites")
legipy common_laws
legipy law JORFDOLE000024106525
Access to the applicable codes.
legipy codes
legipy code LEGITEXT000006074075
legipy code --date-pub 2018-05-01 LEGITEXT000006074075
legipy code_section LEGITEXT000006074075 LEGISCTA000006107991
legipy code --date-pub 2018-05-01 LEGITEXT000006074075 LEGISCTA000006107991