This is a forked project based on the original work RaspiBolt from Stadicus. Do not forget to thank him for the great amount of time invested in educating the Bitcoin community.
Main changes from RaspiBolt
This guide has been completely rewritten, but those are the most relevant:
- Changed OS from Raspberry OS 32 bits to Ubuntu Server 64 bits (21.10 Impish)
- Updated signatures check of Bitcoin Core since v22
- Updated configuration in Electrs since v9
- Added some useful apps (avahi, rfkill, htop, iftop, nyx)
- Added SSH access through TOR
- Added section for updating all installed software and services
- Added section for checking the correct behaviour of the installed services
- Removed support for other boards (Odroid, Pine64...)
- Removed SSH access using certificates
- Disabled Buetooth
- General revision of all the software related to Lightning Network implementation