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Trooper Batch Web Console

devashishshankar edited this page Feb 12, 2013 · 10 revisions

The Trooper Batch Web Console is a web-based console available to primarily monitor job executions. It also provides ability to manually trigger deployed jobs. Job configuration menu can be used for dynamic deployment and modification of jobs. Note that this console is enabled only when the Trooper runtime is started in server mode in bootstrap.xml as shown below:

    <bean id="bootstrapInfo" class="org.trpr.platform.runtime.spi.bootstrap.BootstrapInfo">
        <property name="projectsRoot" value="$RUNTIME_CONFIG_PATH/../../../../" />
        <property name="applicationName" value="Test Runtime" />
        <property name="runtimeNature" value="server" />
        <property name="container" ref="containerImpl" />
        <property name="componentContainerClassName" value="org.trpr.platform.batch.impl.spring.SpringBatchComponentContainer" />
    <bean id="containerImpl" class="org.trpr.platform.runtime.impl.container.spring.SpringContainerImpl">

The features available on this console as illustrated on this page. Data from each of these pages is available in JSON format by appending .json to the end of the URL.

  • The home page of the web-console is available at http://<server host>:8182 when the Trooper Batch profile runtime is started. Console Home Page

  • The Job listing page displays all jobs that have been detected and loaded (from spring-batch-config.xml files) by Trooper Batch profile runtime. Jobs listing

  • The Job launch page allows manual triggering of deployed batch jobs. Manual Job Trigger

  • The Job executions listing page lists executions of individual jobs. Job Executions

  • The Job execution detail page displays step executions of individual jobs. Job Execution By Step

  • The Step execution details page displays history and details of step execution for individual jobs. Step Execution

  • The Failed Job execution page displays details of failed job executions for individual jobs. Failed Job Execution

  • The Failed Step execution page displays details of failed step executions for individual jobs. Stack trace of the exception that caused the failure is also displayed. Failed Step Execution

  • The Failed Step Partition page displays details of failed step partitions for individual jobs. Stack trace of the exception that caused the failure is also displayed. Failed Step Partitions

Job Configuration

  • Job Configuration menu home:

Job config console

  • View job configuration:

View job config

  • Job edit page:

Edit job config