My personal post-install script, distro agnostic, to create a productive environment. It should detect which distro family it's running on. It should also download a DE/WM, install eyecandy, terminal emulator, enable security programs, etc. Also, it will download my config file and myscripts. Everything is modular, so it's possible to change almost everything.
- App-armor
- Git
- Dev kit (e.g., base-devel)
- Kitty (terminal emulator)
- Brave & Firefox (browser)
- Libre office (office suite)
- Vim & Lunar vim (text editor/IDE)
- Flatpak + flathub
- mpv (mediaplayer)
- asdf (version manager)
- nnn (terminal file explorer)
- Transmission (torrent client)
- Timeshift + restore point (backup)
- Scrcpy (mobile screen mirroring)
- KDE connect (mobile integration)
- Btop (resource manager)
- Pandoc
- Mupdf-gl (pdf viewer)
- Python 3.11.3
- Ruby 3.2.2
- Rust 1.69.0
- Go 1.20.4
- Node 20.2.0
- Perl 5.36.1
- Open jdk 20.0.1
- Arch Linux
- Ubuntu 22.04
- Fedora 38
- Debian stable/unstable
- Gnome
- Sway