- Phone: +55 (43) 99638-3899
- Email: reinaldo_reves@hotmail.com
- GitHub: github.com/reinaldoneves
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/reinaldonevess
- Address: Londrina - PR, Brasil
I have been programming in Java since 2012, initially driven by a passion for creating mobile games. Over the years, Java has become one of the most widely used programming languages, and I have gained extensive experience working on large-scale projects for multinational companies with over 20,000 employees. My work has involved developing robust systems capable of handling thousands of accesses per second.
I hold a degree in Systems Analysis from Fatec (2016) and a degree in Music from the State University of Londrina (2021). I am currently pursuing a master's degree in education. I believe that collaborative thinking, open knowledge, and technology are essential for societal evolution and innovation. I am passionate about optimizing processes and creating holistic, socially engaged solutions aligned with sustainable development.
- Master's Degree in Education | 2024 - 2026 (Ongoing)
- Bachelor's Degree in Music | 2017 - 2021
- Systems Analysis and Development | 2013 - 2016
Solutis | 2022 - Present
- Backend developer working with microservices architecture using Spring, Spring Security, OAuth2, Spring Webflux, BitBucket, Sonar, MongoDB, DocumentDB, Veracode, AWS, and more.
- Developed an IDP and account manager system handling millions of hits per minute, achieving the highest audit scores.
- Clients included Brazil, Colombia, India, and other countries in Latin America and beyond.
JTech-Veolia | 2022
- Contributed to products for a major French company in water management, waste management, and circular economy using Java.
Accurate | 2021 - 2022
- Developed and maintained microservices applications using the Spring framework for a global financial solution.
CSC-DXC | 2015 - 2017
- Worked on applications using Java, Asp.Net, and C# for Brazilian gas and energy industries.
Agrofauna | 2013 - 2014
- Maintained e-commerce platforms, servers, and user computers using Java, Hibernate, JSF, and Primefaces.
- Java (1.7 - 17)
- Spring Framework (Boot, MVC, Security, Webflux, JPA, OAuth2)
- C#
- Asp.Net
- Hibernate
- MongoDB
- SQL Server
- PostgreSQL
- Oracle
- Docker
- RabbitMQ
- Jenkins
- Sonar
- Veracode
- Cucumber
- JUnit
- Mockito
- Swagger
- Maven
- Git (GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket)
- Microservices
- Monolithic
- SOLID principles
- Clean Code
- Dynatrace
- Elastic Search
- Amazon EKS: Managed Containerized Applications with Kubernetes | Alura | 2023 | 6h
- Microservices in Practice: Messaging with RabbitMQ | Alura | 2023 | 10h
- Google Ads: Creating a Campaign | Alura | 2023 | 10h
- Spring Data JPA: Repositories, Queries, Projections and Specifications | Alura | 2021 | 10h
- Jenkins: Continuous Integration | Alura | 2021 | 8h
- Spring Boot: Profile Tests and Deploy | Alura | 2021 | 8h
- Mocks in Java: Getting to Know Mockito | Alura | 2021 | 8h
- TDD and Java: Automated Testing with JUnit | Alura | 2021 | 8h
- Spring Boot: Agility in Java Development with Spring | Alura | 2021 | 10h
- Dot Net MVC Framework | CSC/FATEC | 2016 | 20h
- Sharepoint Microsoft | CSC/FATEC | 2016 | 40h
- Java Web (JSF, Spring, Hibernate, Maven) | CSC/FATEC | 2015 | 40h
- Windows Azure | FATEC | 2013 | 3h
- Android Development | FATEC | 2013 | 6h
- Introduction to PL/SQL Language (Oracle) | FATEC | 2013 | 6h
- OCJA Certification Course | Kess Cursos e Treinamentos | 2012 | 200h
- Title: Proposta de ambiente virtual de ensino de música popular
- Description: Work combining Music, Education, and Development using JMusic and Java.
- Event: III Congresso de Tecnologia e Sistema de Informação (COTESI)
- Year: 2016
- Authors: SANTOS, Reinaldo Neves dos; DA SILVA, Djalma Domingos
- Link: Proposta de ambiente virtual de ensino de música popular
- Epistemological curiosity
- Self-management
- Methodical approach
- Collaborative mindset
- Versatility
- Good humor (most of the time)
- Education and arts experience
- Research-oriented