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Massimo Melina edited this page Nov 27, 2024
17 revisions
A middleware is a mechanism you can add to the server, doing some work on each request.
This can be inside a plugin, but also directly written into Admin > Options > Server code
Language is JavaScript, executed by Node.js. More details in the plugins documentation.
A middleware has the form of a function that receives a Context object as a parameter. The context object contains all information about the http request and the http response.
exports.middleware = ctx => ctx.set('x-my-header', 'some value')
exports.middleware = ctx => {
if (ctx.path === '/some/address')
ctx.body = 'my content'
exports.middleware = ctx => ctx.get('user-agent').includes('Chrome') || ctx.socket.destroy()
exports.init = api => {
return {
middleware(ctx) {
if (ctx.get('user-agent').includes('Facebook')) {
api.addBlock({ ip: ctx.ip, comment: 'facebook' })
(from version 0.53.0)
Sending back MD5 with in HTTP header X-MD5
exports.init = api => {
const { createHash } = api.require('crypto')
const { createReadStream } = api.require('fs')
return {
// double arrow = return a function = operate at the end of the request, when upload is completed
middleware: ctx => () => {
let f = ctx.state.uploadDestinationPath
if (!f) return
const hasher = createHash('md5')
f = createReadStream(f)
f.on('data', x => hasher.update(x))
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
f.once('end', () => {
ctx.set({ 'Content-Digest': `md5=:${hasher.digest('hex')}:` })
}).on('error', reject)
While technically this is not a middleware, it still acts similarly to one.
exports.init = api => {
const { createHash } = api.require('crypto')
const { Transform } = api.require('stream')
return { // at exit time, "unload" will ensure the event "uploadStart" is unsubscribed
unload: api.events.on('uploadStart', obj => {
const hasher = createHash('md5')
const original = obj.writeStream
// replace the stream with ours. We'll both calculate md5 and pass data to the original stream
obj.writeStream = new Transform({
transform(chunk, encoding, cb) {
original.write(chunk, encoding, cb)
flush(cb) {
obj.ctx.set({ 'Content-Digest': `md5=:${hasher.digest('hex')}:` })
In this example we want to replace NAME with John from all *.txt files as they are served, without changing the actual file on disk.
exports.init = api => {
const consumers = api.require('stream/consumers') // nodejs standard library
return {
middleware(ctx) { // on every request
return async () => { // act after the request has been worked by hfs, and we have ctx.body
if (!ctx.path.endsWith('.txt')) return // if it's not right extension, then quit
const content = await consumers.text(ctx.body) // convert body from a stream to a string
ctx.body = content.replaceAll('NAME', 'John') // make replacements