This is a multi-process multiplayer Python game, it runs on the terminal (no graphic interface). Cambiecolo is the environmentalist cousin of the Cambio card game. Its goal is presenting a hand of 5 cards of the same transport means. The player who succeeds is awarded the points of the transport they put together. The game deals as many different types of transports as there are players. Possible transport means are: airplane, car, train, bike and shoes. Each player receives 5 random cards, face down, e.g. if there are 3 players, 15 cards of 3 transport means are distributed, 5 cards per transport. A bell is placed in the middle of the players. As soon as cards are distributed, players start exchanging by announcing the number of cards they offer, from 1 to 3 identical cards, without showing them. They exchange the same number of cards with the first player to accept the offer. This continues until one of the players rings the bell and presents a hand of 5 identical cards, scoring the points of the transport they have grouped.
to run the game you must run the script on a terminal :
$ python3
for each player open a terminal and run the script :
$ python3
(X refers to the id of the player for example if two players want to play one of them launches on a terminal the other one runs etc..)