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Relativity TransferSDK Samples


This project showcases a straightforward integration scenario with Relativity.Transfer.SDK (a.k.a TransferSDK) NuGet package.

TransferSDK lets you:

  • Upload a single directory, file or list of items to the selected destination in the RelativityOne fileshare
  • Download a single directory or file from the selected source in the RelativityOne fileshare
  • Upload a directory (using an existing job based destination path) to the RelativityOne fileshare
  • Upload list of items (using an existing job based destination path) to the RelativityOne fileshare
  • Download a directory (using an existing job based source path) from the RelativityOne fileshare
  • Track the overall progress of the transfer
  • Track the progress of individual items that have been transferred, failed, or skipped
  • Get a detailed transfer report
  • Setup one of three predefined retry policies - No Retry, Linear, Exponential
  • Assign an exclusion policy to filter out unwanted files

The library supports .NETStandard 2.0, which means it is cross-platform. You can run it on Windows, Mac or Linux!

A sample list of items source file used in above examples:

<source path>;<relative destination path>
<source path>;<relative destination path>
<source path>;<relative destination path>

Staging Governance compliance

Within each tenant or client domain storage area, the Staging Area consists of the four folders listed below. You are only able to write to and access data within these designated Staging Area folders:

  • ARM
  • StructuredData
  • ProcessingSource
  • TenantVM

More details can be found in the Staging Governance documentation here.

Additional information

To ensure optimal security and functionality, it is strongly recommended to avoid using the System Administrator user for transfer operations. Instead, create a dedicated user and assign all necessary permissions to this new user. This approach helps maintain a secure and organized environment, minimizing potential risks associated with using high-privilege users for routine tasks.


Repository structure:

The repository contains 3 projects:

  • Relativity.Transfer.SDK.Samples.Core - contains all the interfaces, models, UI, and helpers used by the Relativity.Transfer.SDK.Samples.Repository project.
  • Relativity.Transfer.SDK.Samples.Repository - contains all the samples.
  • Relativity.Transfer.SDK.Samples.CLI - contains a command-line interface for the Relativity.Transfer.SDK.Samples.Repository project. It uses IoC container to create instances of required classes.

Examples structure:

  • Code presenting a particular example is contained in a single file (see the table below to match a sample with a code file). If additional dependencies are required they are injected by IoC.
  • Usually, all necessary inputs are taken at the beginning of the example using IConfigurationScreen implementation.
  • Implementation of IConfigurationScreen interface prompts a user for every input, but when value is not provided the default value is used (the default value is shown in bracket alongside with prompt, it can be set via appsettings.json file).
  • Sample code contains accurate comments describing the flow.
  • Two types of workflows are supported by samples:
    • FullPathWorkflow - consists of samples which requires a source and destination paths to be provided.
    • JobBasedWorkflow - consists of samples which requires a source path (upload) or destination path (download) to be provided. The other path is taken from an existing job.
Name Config section .Net
BearerTokenAuthentication UploadFile BearerTokenAuthentication
DownloadDirectory DownloadDirectory DownloadDirectory
DownloadFile DownloadFile DownloadFile
SettingUpProgressHandlerAndPrintingSummary UploadDirectory SettingUpProgressHandlerAndPrintingSummary
UploadDirectory UploadDirectory UploadDirectory
UploadDirectoryWithCustomizedRetryPolicy UploadDirectory UploadDirectoryWithCustomizedRetryPolicy
UploadDirectoryWithExclusionPolicy UploadDirectory UploadDirectoryWithExclusionPolicy
UploadFile UploadFile UploadFile
UploadItems UploadFile UploadItems
UploadToFilesharePathBasedOnWorkspaceId UploadDirectoryByWorkspaceId UploadToFilesharePathBasedOnWorkspaceId
DownloadDirectory DownloadDirectory DownloadDirectory
DownloadDirectoryBasedOnExistingJob DownloadDirectoryBasedOnExistingJob DownloadDirectoryBasedOnExistingJob
UploadDirectory UploadDirectory UploadDirectory
UploadDirectoryBasedOnExistingJob UploadDirectoryBasedOnExistingJob UploadDirectoryBasedOnExistingJob
UploadItems UploadFile UploadItems

Running the sample

  • Sample is a regular Visual Studio solution (it is recommended to use Visual Studio >= 2019)
  • The settings also can be modified at runtime. They are stored (except the password) in the application's appsettings.json file, in the bin folder.
  • Whenever the application is rebuilt, the bin appsettings.json file is restored to the values from appsettings.json file from the repository.
  • It is advised to manually remove the obj folder and rebuild the solution in order to apply appsettings.json file changes into the bin config file.
  • Directly modifying the appsettings.json file in Visual Studio keeps these settings between rebuilds.
  • The settings to fill up at application start-up:
    • Common.ClientName - This is required to identify the owner of a job. Can be any string.
    • Common.InstanceUrl- The URL to the Relativity instance. Example:
    • Common.FileShareRoot - The root of the Relativity fileshare. Example: \\\contoso
      • Note: This value can be taken from Relativity. Find the Servers tab, filter it by Fileshare, search for the specified one, and copy its UNC path value without the \Files\ suffix.
      • Note: It is crucial to remember that backslash \ characters should be escaped using a double backslash \\ (this is required by json file to properly deserialize a path).
    • Common.FileShareRelativePath - The location where the files are transferred relative to the root of the fileshare.
      • Note: <transfer job id> folder is created in provided location.
      • Note: Provided path can not have \ at the beginning.
      • The path must be rooted in one of the core folders that reside on the fileshare (like Files, Temp, etc.)
      • Note: It is crucial to remember that backslash \ characters should be escaped using a double backslash \\ (this is required by json file to properly deserialize a path).
    • Common.OAuthCredentials - The OAuth2 secret ID and secret used to authenticate in RelativityOne (Find the OAuth2 Client tab, then find the user and copy ClientId and ClientSecret fileds).
  • The settings specified for a sample are commented in appsettings.json file. Which section is responsible for which sample is described in the table above.


  • First, the transfer client object has to be created, which is used to manage transfers:
// FullPathWorkflow
var transferClient = TransferClientBuilder.FullPathWorkflow
    .WithStagingExplorerContext() // or .WithWorkspaceContext(sampleWorkspaceId) if you base on workspace is

// or JobBasedWorkflow
var transferClient = TransferClientBuilder.JobBasedWorkflow
  • TransferSDK uses a bearer token in order to authenticate the transfer.
  • To pass the token, the Relativity.Transfer.SDK.Interfaces.Authentication.IRelativityAuthenticationProvider must be implemented and an instance should be passed to the client. Sample implementation of authentication provider is here.
  • In order to get the token, Bearer token authentication is used, which requires user's OAuth2 client id and client's secret. (see SampleBearerTokenRetriver)
    • The token can become obsolete after some time. It's the IRelativityAuthenticationProvider responsibility to always return a valid token.
  • Client id and secret can be read from the RelativityOne instance. It is under the Oauth2 Client tab. Appropriate users can be identified by the Context User column.
    • The secret is valid for only a limited period of time (8 hours by default), so it is advised to regenerate it before copying.
  • It is strongly recommended to implement your own authentication mechanism which best suits your needs. Here are some helpful links:


  • We welcome contributions!
  • To add a new sample, create a new class in the appropriate workflow folder in Relativity.Transfer.SDK.Samples.Repository project (or create a new folder if a new workflow is used).
  • The sample calss should implement Relativity.Transfer.SDK.Samples.Core.Runner.ISample interface.
  • Add Relativity.Transfer.SDK.Samples.Core.Attributes.SampleAttribute to a class which describes the sample. The most important parameter is TransferType which specifies which configuration section is used to provide default parameters.
  • Whatever you need, should be requested by .ctor(...) because the sample is created by IoC container.
  • Your sample should be visible in the CLI application.


Some exceptions that can be encountered when using samples and their potential root causes

System.Net.WebException: The remote name could not be resolved:

  • sample console output:
Exception occurred during execution of the transfer. Look at the inner exception for more details.
Relativity.Transfer.SDK.Interfaces.Exceptions.TransferJobExecutionException: Exception occurred during execution of the transfer. Look at the inner exception for more details. ---> Relativity.Transfer.SDK.Interfaces.Exceptions.UnauthorizedException: Unable to retrieve the authentication token. Check inner exception for details. ---> System.ApplicationException: Failed to retrieve credentials. ---> System.ApplicationException: Failed to retrieve bearer token. ---> System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: An error occurred while sending the request. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote name could not be resolved: ''
  • Reasons:
    • Wrong RelativityOneInstanceUrl value.
    • Relativity instance is not available


  • sample console output:
Exception occurred during execution of the transfer. Look at the inner exception for more details.
Relativity.Transfer.SDK.Interfaces.Exceptions.TransferJobExecutionException: Exception occurred during execution of the transfer. Look at the inner exception for more details. ---> Relativity.Transfer.SDK.Interfaces.Exceptions.UnauthorizedException: Unable to retrieve the authentication token. Check inner exception for details. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: API call 'ReadAsync' failed with status code: 'Unauthorized' Details: ''.
  • Reasons:
    • wrong password/credentials/client ID

Relativity.Transfer.SDK.Interfaces.Exceptions.BackendServiceException: Forbidden

  • sample console output #1:
Exception occurred during execution of the transfer. Look at the inner exception for more details.
Relativity.Transfer.SDK.Interfaces.Exceptions.TransferJobExecutionException: Exception occurred during execution of the transfer. Look at the inner exception for more details. ---> Relativity.Transfer.SDK.Interfaces.Exceptions.BackendServiceException: Forbidden
  • Reasons:

    • Wrong FileshareRelativeDestinationPath setting. Ensure there is no \ at the beginning of the path.
    • Wrong RelativityOneFileshareRoot. Ensure there is no files suffix on the path, and the path is correct.
  • sample console output #2:

Relativity.Transfer.SDK.Interfaces.Exceptions.BackendServiceException: Staging governance violation. Please use proper staging area such as 'ARM', 'StructuredData', 'ProcessingSource' or 'TenantVM'.

Relativity.Transfer.SDK.Interfaces.Exceptions.BackendServiceException: Unsupported Media Type:

  • sample console output:
Exception occurred during execution of the transfer. Look at the inner exception for more details.
Relativity.Transfer.SDK.Interfaces.Exceptions.TransferJobExecutionException: Exception occurred during execution of the transfer. Look at the inner exception for more details. ---> Relativity.Transfer.SDK.Interfaces.Exceptions.BackendServiceException: Unsupported Media Type
  • Reasons:
    • Wrong RelativityOneInstanceUrl. Ensure value is correct, and it ends with *com and there is NO /Relativity/ suffix.


Sample code on how to utilize Relativity.Transfer.SDK package







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