Creates a Virtual Machine running the Stanford Named Entity Recognizer as a server, accessible on port 4465 on your host machine.
The NER Server is loaded with the 3-class Model included with the NER software package. The model applies the classes:
- Location
- Person
- Organization
Download this repo
From the folder contianing this README document run:
vagrant up
That's it!
Once your server is running, the following command will process text:
$ echo "Steve Jobs founded Apple Computer on April 1, 1976" | nc localhost 4465
<PERSON>Steve Jobs</PERSON> founded <ORGANIZATION>Apple Computer</ORGANIZATION> on April 1, 1976
Here are the current specifications for this server:
- NER Version:
- Total memory assigned to this VM:
1536 MB
- Memory assigned to the NER application:
1 GB
- Port on which the NER server is listening:
- Location of the server logs on the VM:
- Location of the model that is loaded by the server: