Linux shell written in C. Created as "Operating systems" course final project at Adam Mickiewicz University.
$ make
$ ./microshell
$ help
---=== Microshell ===---
Version 0.0.1
Shell builtins:
cd [dir] change current working directory
exit close shell
help details about shell
cp [from] [to] copy files and directories
ps list currently running processes
head [-n num] [file] output the first lines of file
history show history
Additional features:
> Username in command propmpt
> Colored command prompt
> Move through commands history by pressing arrows
> Filename completion on tab
> Save history to file on exit (by EOF or exit command)
> Parse arguments placed between quotes
Created by Michal Nieruchalski 462084
as operating systems final project
at Adam Mickiewicz University AD 2020