This repository is a modified version of torch-ngp, containing NeRF experiments testing the FreSh method. If you wany to do something else that reproducing our experiments, please refer to the original repository. The main FreSh repository can be found here.
See the original repository.
We found the original environment.yml
file to not work well, and we provide an updated version.
We recommend installing the "pip" section of environment.yml
after using conda to set up the environment.
Download nerf_synthetic folder
and place it under ./data
Below you can find the commands needed to run the experiments.
Save model outputs at initialisation (commands below assume you are using slurm array jobs):
export WORKSPACE="model_outputs"
export scale=0.8 # set to 0.6 for ship
export DATASET=lego
# In case you don't want to use slurm array jobs:
# Fourier
python data/nerf_synthetic/$DATASET --workspace "${WORKSPACE}/fourier/${DATASET}" --ckpt="scratch" --preload --render_color --embedding='rff' --sigma=$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID --scale $scale --num_layers=7 --num_layers_color=1 --hidden_features=256
# Siren
export OMEGA=$((10 * $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID))
python data/nerf_synthetic/$DATASET --workspace "${WORKSPACE}/siren/${DATASET}" --ckpt="scratch" --hidden_features=256 --preload --render_color --embedding='id' --omega=$OMEGA --activation="Sine" --scale $scale --num_layers=7 --num_layers_color=1 --hidden_features=256
# Finer
export OMEGA=$((10 * $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID))
export k=0
# if you want to optimise bias use
#export k=$(echo "scale=1; $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID / 10" | bc)
python data/nerf_synthetic/$DATASET --workspace "${WORKSPACE}/finer/${DATASET}" --hidden_features=256 --activation="Finer" --preload --render_color --embedding='id' --omega=1 --finer_k=$k --omega_finer=$OMEGA --finer_high_values --scale $scale --num_layers=7 --num_layers_color=1
# Hashgrid
# Feature vectors have to be initialised with high values (`--hashmap_high_values`), as otherwise their influence on output is too small
python data/nerf_synthetic/$DATASET --workspace "${WORKSPACE}/hashgrid/${DATASET}" --ckpt="scratch" --preload --render_color --hashmap_high_values --scale $scale --embedding='hashgrid' --desired_resolution=$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID --log2_hashmap_size=13 --hidden_features=64 --num_layers=1 --num_layers_color=2
Run the FreSh method (you need the script from the main FreSh repository):
python <path_to_fresh>/scripts/ \
--dataset model_outputs/siren/lego.npy \
--model_output model_outputs/siren/lego \
--results_root wasserstein_results/example
You will find the configurations selected by FreSh in wasserstein_results/example/wasserstein_best.csv
For an additional description of using the script see the main FreSh repository.
Train a NeRF model:
export ITERS=500000
export scale=0.8 # set to 0.6 for ship
export DATASET=lego
export WORKSPACE="results/${DATASET}"
# Positional encoding
python data/nerf_synthetic/$DATASET --workspace "${WORKSPACE}/positional" --hidden_features=256 --cuda_ray --preload --embedding='pos' --lr=0.001 --scale $scale --num_layers=7 --num_layers_color=1
# Siren
export OMEGA=30
python data/nerf_synthetic/$DATASET --workspace "${WORKSPACE}/siren_${OMEGA}" --hidden_features=256 --activation="Sine" --cuda_ray --preload --embedding='id' --omega=$OMEGA --lr=0.00005 --scale $scale --num_layers=7 --num_layers_color=1
# Fourier
export SIGMA=1.0
python data/nerf_synthetic/$DATASET --workspace "${WORKSPACE}/fourier_${SIGMA}" --hidden_features=256 --cuda_ray --preload --embedding='rff' --sigma=$SIGMA --lr=0.001 --scale $scale --num_layers=7 --num_layers_color=1
# Hashgrid
export nmax=2048
python data/nerf_synthetic/$DATASET --workspace "${WORKSPACE}/hashhrid" --hidden_features=64 --num_layers=1 --num_layers_color=2 --cuda_ray --preload --num_rays=20480 --lr=0.001 --iters=30000 --eval_interval=50 --scale $scale --embedding='hashgrid' --desired_resolution=nmax --log2_hashmap_size=13
# Finer
export OMEGA=30
# to disable bias set `--finer_k=0`
python data/nerf_synthetic/$DATASET --workspace "${WORKSPACE}/finer" --hidden_features=256 --activation="Finer" --cuda_ray --preload --embedding='id' --omega=1 --lr=0.00005 --scale $scale --num_layers=7 --num_layers_color=1 --omega_finer=$OMEGA