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Brendon Telman edited this page Dec 15, 2019 · 1 revision

Supported Commands

Flush TTS

Flush the current TTS queue, in case of spam.

.flush tts

Table mode

Only the owner can use this. Turns on table top mode, not allowing 'f' and 'b' commands, but allows everything else. Not case sensitive

On: .table on

Off: .table off

Toggle on and off: .stationary

The robot has to handle this command, unless set in the app settings to be handled locally. The option exists for both since some hardware is not programmable, such as a sabertooth serial controller. In the case that the app controls it, the list of restricted controls are configurable as well

Exclusive Control

.xcontrol user 60: give user user control of robot for 60 seconds .xcontrol ~ 60 (button): give user who pressed the button exclusive control for 60 seconds .xcontrol user: user user gets exclusive control indefinitely or until the robot reboots .xcontrol off: turn off exclusive control

Dev mode

Only works if the owner is added to settings in the connection settings

.devmode on: turn on devmode .devmode off: turn off devmode

Stream commands

.stream sleep: Put the stream into a light sleep mode. Stops sending data, but keeps ffmpeg alive to save bandwidth and performance when nobody is watching the stream. This may not have much use right now, but will be built upon to add toggleable auto sleep functionality. Currently still allows robot movement in this mode

.stream wakeup: wake up the stream. No automatic code is setup to use this yet, but it can be put in a button or typed

.stream reset: reset just the stream by disabling and re-enabling. Does not disable movement while it re-connects

.bitrate {number in kb}: Adjust the video bitrate (in kilobytes). (ex .bitrate 1024)


.estop: Shuts down the robot after sending a stop command to the motors