This repository contains metadata and scripts used to generate the container images used for continuous integration (CI) by the various tpm2-software projects.
To build the container image locally invoke docker with the build command from within the tpm2-software-container directory:
docker build .
The final output of the build will be an IMAGE ID which can be used to run the container image, for example:
docker run -it <IMAGE ID> /bin/bash
or to run the tpm2-tools CI sequence locally:
docker run --env /path/to/tpm2-tools/.ci/docker.env -v /path/to/tpm2-tools:/workspace/tpm2-tools <IMAGE ID> /bin/bash -c '/workspace/tpm2-tools/.ci/'
The repository is monitored by Docker Hub and the tpm2software/tpm2-tss image on the Hub is rebuilt when the repository changes.