Are you tired of having to sort your own to-do list every time you need a reminder of all the things you need to do?
Add a little magic in your life with our latest app: Tadoo!
Tadoo is a single page application that will take whatever task you enter and automatically sort it into a category that Tadoo sees fit.
Here are some things you can do with Tadoo:
- Create a new task that is sorted for you!
- Don't like where Tadoo has placed your task? No prob! Simply use the move button that appears beside your task and move it to the correct category.
- Alternatively you can also drag and drop your task onto the category of your choice!
- Tadoo also sets a default urgency rating of 1 star to each task. You can easily edit this by clicking the star rating of your choice.
- Collapsable lists and current run count of how many things you still need ta-doo.
- Check your task off when completed and it will send it over to the archives where you can remind yourself of all things you've accomplished!
- Don't want a glaring reminder of your less-than-proud-of tasks? No worries, simply click delete and on confirmation it will vanish forever!
- HTML 5
- Javascript
- jQuery 3.5.1
- jQuery UI 1.12.1
Run npm install to install all dependancies.
Next create a database and run schema/01_users.sql, 02_categories.sql and 03_tasks.sql to setup your tables
Create a .env file and use .env.example as a guide to setting up your own
Run npm run local to start your server!
- Node 10.x or above
- NPM 5.x or above
- PG 6.x
- body-parser 1.19 or above
- chalk 2.4 or above
- dotenv 2.x or above
- ejs 2.6 or above
- express 4.17 or above
- morgan 1.9 or above
- node-sass-middleware 0.11 or above
- request-promise-native 1.x or above
- cookie-session 1.3 or above