You can use this plugin to extrat highlights of the blocks and automatically:
- create a block of highlights
- or copy to clipboard
It helps when you want to use a workflow like:
This plugin is an adaptation of logseq-psummarise-plugin from @hkgnp (kudos!). While I'm learning more about develop plugins, I've used part of the source code of that.
Main differences of this plugin from logseq-psummarise-plugin:
- focused on copy highlights (==), not 'bold' (**)
- agnostic workflow: you can use with any workflow, instead of focusing on Progressive Summarization.
- allow to copy highlights to clipboard instead of create a block with highlights
- allow config the title of the block will get the highlights
- has a config to set to open or not on sidebar
- only work to copy highlights from blocks and its children
- show the highlighted text linked to block instead of show the text extracted of highlight and an asterik (*) or other symbol with link on the side of the text.
In any block, you can:
- Use the slash-command "/Highlights: Extract in a new block" or "/Highlights: Copy to clipboard"
- Click with the right button of mouse and select "Highlights: Extract in a new block" or "Highlights: Copy to clipboard".