fork of grbl-mega RAMPS 1.4 and modified for Makeblock Laserbot with Mega Pi board
Connect the Mega Pi Start your Arduino IDE and open the Arduino.ino file in the /Arduino subdirectory of this repostiory.
Make sure that you selected the board "Arduno/Genuino Mega or Mega 2560" in your Arduino IDE and select the serial port that connects to your Mega Pi.
Upload the sketch.
The axis that carries the laser is the y-axis. The other axis is the x-axis. Make sure, that the endstop, that the x-axis runs into is connected to the first "servo port" and the endstop for the y-axis is connected to the second "servo port".
The following configuration is used and you can find it in the file in this repository:
$0=10 (Step pulse time)
$1=255 (Step idle delay)
$2=0 (Step pulse invert)
$3=0 (Step direction invert)
$4=0 (Invert step enable pin)
$5=0 (Invert limit pins)
$6=0 (Invert probe pin)
$10=1 (Status report options)
$11=0.020 (Junction deviation)
$12=0.002 (Arc tolerance)
$13=0 (Report in inches)
$20=0 (Soft limits enable)
$21=0 (Hard limits enable)
$22=1 (Homing cycle enable)
$23=11 (Homing direction invert)
$24=500.000 (Homing locate feed rate)
$25=2000.000 (Homing search seek rate)
$26=250 (Homing switch debounce delay)
$27=5.000 (Homing switch pull-off distance)
$30=255 (Maximum spindle speed)
$31=0 (Minimum spindle speed)
$32=1 (Laser-mode enable)
$100=87.580 (X-axis travel resolution)
$101=87.580 (Y-axis travel resolution)
$102=4000.000 (Z-axis travel resolution)
$110=18000.000 (X-axis maximum rate)
$111=18000.000 (Y-axis maximum rate)
$112=300.000 (Z-axis maximum rate)
$120=400.000 (X-axis acceleration)
$121=400.000 (Y-axis acceleration)
$122=0.028 (Z-axis acceleration)
$130=360.000 (X-axis maximum travel)
$131=350.000 (Y-axis maximum travel)
$132=200.000 (Z-axis maximum travel)
Max Feedrate: The laser can move up to 200mm per second = 12.000 mm per minute
Engraving area: Up to 383mm×367mm
1.6W 445nm blue-violet diode laser
MegaPi uses DRV8825
Install from
Select the right serial port and upload the settings from from this repository.
You can now send your gcode to your laserbot. For a first test, feel free to use rectangle.gcode from this repository.
Download from
Select example settings or keep your current settings.
More details will follow. In general, you need to use the generic grbl driver from visicut.
I tested this firmware with LaserWeb4 and it does work! More information here: ([]
Port1 Port2 Port3 Port4
Function Arduino Pin Pin Name MCU Pin# Arduino Pin Pin Name MCU Pin# Arduino Pin Pin Name MCU Pin# Arduino Pin Pin Name MCU Pin#
Dir D11 PB5 24 D7 PH4 16 D6 PH3 15 D4 PG5 1
Step D12 PB6 25 D8 PH5 17 D9 PH6 18 D5 PE3 5
Sleep D18 PD3 46 D19 PD2 45 D3 PE5 7 D2 PE4 6
Reset D31 PC6 59 D38 PD7 80 D49 PL0 35 A1 PF1 96
MS1 D34 PC3 56 D37 PC0 53 D43 PL6 41 A4 PF4 93
MS2 D33 PC4 57 D40 PG1 52 D47 PL2 37 A3 PF3 94
MS3 D32 PC5 58 D41 PG0 51 D48 PL1 36 A2 PF2 95
Enable D35 PC2 55 D36 PC1 54 D42 PL7 42 A5 PF5 92
Endstop X/1 A6 PF6 91
Endstop Y/2 A7 PF7 90
Endstop Z/3 A8 PK0 89
Endstop E/4 A9 PK1 88
A10 PK2 87
A11 PK3 86
A12 PK4 85
A13 PK5 84
A14 PK6 83
A15 PK7 82
Laser1 12V D10 PB4 23 OC2A
Laser2 12V A0 PF0 97
Header 2x2 P12
D16 PH1 13
D17 PH0 12
D21 PD0 43
D20 PD1 44
Header 5x2 P15
D39 PG2 70
D29 PA7 71
D27 PA5 73
D25 PA3 75
D23 PA0 77
D30 PC7 60
D28 PA6 72
D26 PA4 74
D24 PA2 76
D22 PJ7 78
Header 3x2 ICSP
LED blue D13 PB7 26
10k PullUp D20 PD1 44
10k PullUp D21 PD0 43
Raspi UART 2 D16/D17
BLE UART 3 D14/D15