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SuguruHarada64 edited this page Jun 27, 2024 · 5 revisions



1. 基本ライブラリ

1-01. Digital IO

  • Digital-IO
    • pinMode()
    • digitalWrite()
    • digitalRead()

1-02. Analog IO

  • Analog IO
    • analogReference()
    • analogRead()
    • analogWrite()
    • analogWriteFrequency()

1-03. Advanced IO

  • Advanced IO
    • tone()
    • noTone()
    • shiftOut()
    • shiftIn()
    • shitOutEx()
    • pulseIn()

1-04. Time

  • Time
    • millis()
    • micros()
    • delay()
    • delayMicroseconds()

1-05. Math

  • Math
    • min()
    • max()
    • abs()
    • constrain()
    • map()
    • sqrt()
    • sq()

1-06. Trigonometry

  • Trigonometry
    • sin()
    • cos()
    • tan()

1-07. Bits and Bytes Operation

  • Bits and Bytes Operation
    • lowByte()
    • highByte()
    • bitRead()
    • bitWrite()
    • bitSet()
    • bitClear()
    • bit()

1-08. Random Numbers

  • Random Numbers
    • randomSeed()
    • random()

1-09. Interrupt

  • Interrupt
    • attachInterrupt()
    • detachInterrupt()
    • inturrupts()
    • noInterrupts()

1-10. Hardware serial

  • Hardware serial
    • begin()
    • end()
    • available()
    • read()
    • write()
    • print()
    • println()

2. 標準ライブラリ

2-1. Wire

  • Wire
    • begin()
    • requestFrom()
    • beginTransmission()
    • endTransmission()
    • write()
    • available()
    • read()
    • setClock()
    • onReceive()
    • onRequest()
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