Please use this ONLY on local develop instances. DO NOT use this on a real shop instance!
This module contains a proof of concept for implementing some magento 2 configuration using PHP attributes. The following configurations are currently supported:
- webapi
- cronjobs
- observers
A lot of things that are still missing: any kind of test, static code checks, caching and many other things.
Before you can use this module, you have to 'register' your module, so that it will be checked for attributes.
To do this, simply add your module name to Renttek\Attributes\Model\ClassFinder->modules
like so:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:ObjectManager/etc/config.xsd">
<type name="Renttek\Attributes\Model\ClassFinder">
<argument name="modules" xsi:type="array">
<item name="vendor-module" xsi:type="string">Vendor_Module</item>
use Renttek\Attributes\Attributes\Webapi;
path: '/V1/test',
resources: [
new Webapi\Resource('anonymous'),
interface FooRepositoryInterface
* @param int $id
* @return void
path: '/:id',
method: 'GET',
parameters: [
new Webapi\Parameter('cartId', '%cart_id%'),
public function get(int $id): void;
use Renttek\Attributes\Attributes\Cronjob;
class RepeatingStuff
#[Cronjob('some_work', schedule: '*/10 * * * *')]
public function doSomeWork(): void
#[Cronjob('cleanup', group: 'cleanup', configPath: 'renttek/awesomecronjob/cleanup')]
public function andCleanupAfterwards(): void
use Renttek\Attributes\Attributes\EventSubscriber;
#[EventSubscriber('example', area: 'frontend')]
#[EventSubscriber('example', area: 'adminhtml', disabled: true )]
#[EventSubscriber('example', area: 'webapi_rest', shared: true)]
#[EventSubscriber('example', area: 'cron', name: 'my cron observer')]
class DoStuff implements ObserverInterface
public function execute(Observer $observer)
// TODO: Implement execute() method.
Each config will get saved to a cache file under <magento>/var/attributes/<id>.php