HRR30 Team Ethereum - Greenfield Project
- Product Owner: William Cory
- Scrum Master: Christina Yuen
- Development Team Members: William Ha, Sam Rosenblum
Local: http://localhost:3000/
- Node 8.9.4
- React 16.3.1
- MongoDB 3.0.6
- Express 4.16.3
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
From within the root directory:
npm install
To start server:
npm run server-dev
To start webpack:
npm run react-dev
After logging in, the page renders locations.jsx. A map will be displayed where the user can search for locations or click on a cluster. This is done within worthymap.jsx and uses react-google-maps.
The user can scroll through pictures, click on them to see details, and favorite the place. This is separated into a few different components: picrow.jsx, card.jsx, and details.jsx.
Any information sent to the server is sent using Axios. Once the information gets to the server, React-Router is used to direct it to the proper controller method.
The database consists of two schemas. One stores the image information and the other stores the user information.
Merge with mater branch of PicWorthy and Heroku will process updates automatically.