This repository showcases a Kubernetes implementation that utilizes Docker files and Docker Compose for the React and Node.js applications, alongside Kubernetes manifest files stored in a dedicated k8s folder for streamlined deployment and orchestration.
Prerequisite: Docker
Navigate to apps directory and execute the following command.
docker-compose up -d
You can access the web app via http://localhost:3000
Clicking on one of the services will trigger the display of its description..
In case an error message appears when clicking on a service, please verify the server's port number or modify the VITE_API_URL environment variable in client's docker file.
Prerequisite: Minikube, kubectl
Navigate to k8s directory and execute the following command.
# make sure shell script is executable chmod +x ./ # run minikube tunnel on another terminal to expose the load balancer external ip minkikube tunnel # deploy the application ./ # get the service ip kubectl get svc
The app can be accessed by using
, For instance:
You should see the app displayed similarly to the images above.
To delete the apps execute the following command.
chomd +x ./ && ./