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Adaptive application for learning nature concepts (e.g. animals, plants...)


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Nature Quizzer

Simple web-based adaptive learning system for teaching users biological concepts such as plants, animals,...



  • PHP >= 7.4
  • PostgreSQL >= 12
  • Node.js and its dependencies captured in package.json
  • Composer and its dependencies captured in composer.json


  1. Update to proper selected GIT branch/tag. master branch = development production branch = production

  2. Consult the .env configuration to ensure that path to nature-quizzer-packages is correct and especially that IP variable is correctly set.
    On local environment also edit /etc/hosts file to contain <IP> poznavackaprirody.test www.poznavackaprirody.test entry.

  3. When in local environment: Run Docker composition with make up (first time) or make start (afterwards) all containers (nginx, db, php, adminer) will come up:

    • <IP>:88 with Adminer, you can use nature-quizzer as username and password as well as postgres.
    • poznavackaprirody.test and www.poznavackaprirody.test on which this application is made work.
    • all subsequent commands should be executed either from php container (make ssh php) or node container (make ssh node).
  4. Set proper permissions to temp and log directory:

$ chmod -R 777 log temp
  1. Install development dependencies via node:
$ cd <project path>
$ npm install
  1. Install runtime (PHP) dependencies via composer:
$ cd <project path>
$ composer install
  1. Run gulp to build css, templates and javascript files:
$ cd <project path>
$ gulp

There are two gulp targets: gulp development will watch for changes, whereas gulp production will minify the JS output.

  1. Create local configuration (database credentials, FB and Google+ API keys etc)
$ cd <project path>
$ vim app/config/config.local.neon
  1. Create database and import sources/col.sql.gz from nature-quizzer-packages repository into col schema.
$ psql -U <user> -d nature-quizzer < col.sql
$ psql -U <user> -d nature-quizzer < col.customization.sql

For local environment there are make import-database and make import-col targets prepared.

  1. To install basic database schema run prepared migrations:
$ cd <project path>
$ php utils/updatedb.php
  1. Import desired data (DB entries as well as the underlying images) into the system. There is utils/package.php for this task.

  2. After changing organisms (adding or removing) the organism distance script should be executed:

$ php utils/update-organism-distances.php 

Also check that all available organisms has any entry in organism_distance table, otherwise the system will be behave unexpectedly:

SELECT * FROM organism LEFT JOIN organism_distance AS od1 ON organism.id_organism = od1.id_organism_to LEFT JOIN organism_distance AS od2 ON organism.id_organism = od2.id_organism_from WHERE od1.id_organism_to IS NULL OR od2.id_organism_from IS NULL

For convenience there is a deploy.php script which does some of this steps in order to make things easy (except importing data), especially for update. Mostly relevant for production environment when deploying as local environment needs only some steps during development.

Data packages

Prepared data packages for import are located in standalone repository:

For creating new topic see /staging/

Running locally

Use prepared docker composition, see instructions above in Installation section.


The application is divided into client-side application (in browser only) and API providing only the data. The front page of client-side application is served from server. The administration is also implemented in classic way of server-rendered webpages.

The structure copies typical structure of Nette framework applications.

├── app
│   ├── .db-data									Local environment PostgreSQL datadir
│   ├── .docker									Local environment (Docker) configuration
│   ├── config									Configuration(s) of the application, should be publicly available!
│   ├── grids
│   ├── presenters
│   └── templates								Templates of administration and front-page.
│       ├── Admin
│       ├── Concept
│       ├── Diagnostic
│       ├── Error
│       ├── Group
│       ├── Homepage							The front-page, basic layout of whole page.
│       ├── Model
│       ├── Organism
│       └── components
├── frontend									Contains all parts of client-side application (later processed by Gulp).
│   ├── css										Styling of client-side application and administration as well.
│   ├── js										Parts of Ember application as well as external libraries.
│   ├── locales									Translations to different languages.
│   └── templates								HTMLBars templates of client-side application.
├── library
│   ├── database								Classes for accessing and manipulating the database.
│   │   ├── model
│   │   └── utils
│   ├── logging
│   ├── model									Classes of student model and instructional policy
│   │   ├── entries
│   │   └── utils
│   ├── processors								Classes for processing parts of API requests (such as answer,...)
│   ├── router
│   ├── runtime									Classes for determing current user, langugage, round, client.
│   ├── tools									Various classes used for data retrieval (EOL, CurlDownloader, WebProcessor...)
│   └── utils
├── log											Folders of logging warning, errors and exceptions. Must be writable!
├── node_modules								External dependencies managed by npm.
├── resources
│   ├── migrations								Database migrations, see part Developing.
│   └── scheme									
│       └── functions
├── staging										Folder for preparing new topics
├── temp										Folder for caches, sessions etc. Must be writable!
├── utils										Various scripts for managing the system, see part Developing.
├── vendor										External dependencies managed by Composer.
└── www
    ├── css										Gulp compiled css styles.
    ├── images
    │   ├── organisms							Images of organisms's representations.
    │   └── showcases							Images for Open Graph API (used when sharing page via Facebook).
    └── src										Gulp compiled javascripts.


When doing changes in any JS/CSS/templates/locales ensure to run gulp in development mode (for rebuilding everything and watch for changes):

$ gulp development

Client-side application

The sources are located in /frontend folder. The application uses typical Ember.js stack.


API requests goes throw /api/ which are operated by /app/presenters/ApiPresenter.php which delegates work to /library/processors/...


Administration is standard Nette server-side (rendered) application living in /app folder.

Student model and Instructional Policy

The cornerstone of this adaptive system is located in /library/model/ folder (NatureQuizzer\Model namespace).

The model is currently divided (theoretically) into two parts:

  • Student model - ensuring modeling of student skills, organism difficulty and prior knowledge of students.
  • Instructional Policy - choosing based on student model which organisms practice now.

This layout is refined into IModelFacade methods get() and answer() and later implemented by BasicElo class which have now two descentants, one with random distractors and one with taxonomy distractors.

Each model has its ID, which is introduced also into database table model. Moreover, each user has associated model on its creation which is used in subsequent user uses of the application.

Warning: when changing student model, beware of interconnection with /utils/basic-elo.php script, which should behave consistently.

Database migration

As it is highly probable that there will be changes in database schema, the database migration tool was implemented. The migrations itself are in /resources/migrations. They must follow the 007_NAME.sql syntax with three digit number ordered by the order of execution.

Migration are performed when using /utils/updatedb.php or automatically when using /deploy.php tool

Successfully executed migrations are stored into database table meta_migrations. When at least of them is unsuccessful, all of currently new are rollbacked. In that case manual fix of the migration files is needed.

Package manager

As the content needs some constant care the package manager was implemented. It can take care about importing:

  • laguages,
  • groups,
  • organisms, their representations and their topics assignation.

Topic (= concept) is one set of organisms which can practiced by student. (In fact topics is assignation of particular organisms to some name.)

Package is a bunch of data items meant to be imported together and can contain multiple topics. Example: Czech animals contains all languages, groups and organism for topic Czech animals and Czech mammals...

For package management there is /utils/package.php script with takes care about importing them and garbage collection of unused data items (and files)

For more details about packages, see /staging/

Basic ELO

When changing parameters of the student model ensure that that the model is recalculate. There is tool in /utils/basic-elo.php.

Backuping database

For convenience simple backup tool was introduced. The backup tool located in /utils/backup.php can create backup of database only or even with representations, restore option is also available. The stored backup is stored into one compressed file in folder according to production instance.

Catalogue of Life

In earlier versions there was a ITIS taxonomy, however with adding mushrooms replacement was needed. Catalogue of Life was selected, however it was too large, so data were exported with this query:

	COALESCE(NULLIF(CONCAT_WS(' ', "genericName", "specificEpithet", "infraspecificEpithet"), ''), "scientificName") AS "completeName", 
FROM "taxon"

After export add indexes on taxonID, acceptedNameUsageID, parentNameUsageID and genericName, also create foreign key on acceptedNameUsageID and parentNameUsageID to taxonID.

When exporting the result into SQL file, do not forget to create schema col if it doesn't exist and strip owner information.


Adaptive application for learning nature concepts (e.g. animals, plants...)







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