Nose plugin for reporting test results of Nose to the 'Reportal Portal'.
- Usage
- Configuration
- Launching
- Copyright Notice
- Changes
To install nose plugin execute next command in a terminal:
pip install nose-reportportal
Prepare the config file rp.ini
in root directory of tests
The rp.ini
file should have next mandatory fields:
- value could be found in the User Profile section
- name of project in Report Potal
- address of Report Portal Server, can be found in a environment variable "RP_ENDPOINT" after tests' run
- name of a launch
- description of a launch
Example of rp.ini
rp_uuid = fb586627-32be-47dd-93c1-678873458a5f
rp_endpoint =
rp_project = user_personal
rp_launch = AnyLaunchName {}
rp_launch_tags = Nose;Smoke
rp_launch_description = Smoke test
You need to add --rp-config-file to point to config file:
--rp-config-file rp.ini
If you like to override some of parameters above from command line, or from CI environment based on your build, then pass
to change launch name.
to change mode of run report portal agent
to change description of a launch
tto ignore external loggers and not send them in report portal. Specify which statements to filter. If the output is too verbose, use this option to filter out needless output.
filter=foo will capture statements issued ONLY to foo or foo.what.ever.sub but not foobar or other logger.
Specify multiple loggers with comma: filter=foo,bar,baz.
If any logger name is prefixed with a minus, eg filter=-foo, it will be excluded rather than included.
The following loggers are ignored 'nose' 'reportportal_client.service_async' 'reportportal_client.service' , 'nose_reportportal.plugin' 'nose_reportportal.service' 'urllib3.connectionpool' by default.
To run test with Report Portal you must provide '--with-reportportal' flag:
nosetests --with-reportportal --rp-config-file rp.ini
Copyright Notice:
Licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0, license (see the LICENSE file).
Apache License Version 2.0:
- updated version to support RP 5.0
- freezed version of python client for RP 4.0
- fixed problem with importing of LogCapture
- fixed bug with handling of skip status of a test
- added argument to ignore loggers
- a safe logs-sender was added on a stop test phase
- Added updated capturing for output and logs
- Added environment variable "RP_ENDPOINT" to exclude RP url from url-mockers if it is needed