Helper script for deployment to Amazon ECS, designed to be compatible with capistrano
This gem is experimental.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem "ecs_deploy", github: "reproio/ecs_deploy"
And then execute:
$ bundle
# Capfile
require "ecs_deploy/capistrano"
# deploy.rb
set :ecs_default_cluster, "ecs-cluster-name"
set :ecs_region, %w(ap-northeast-1) # optional, if nil, use environment variable
set :ecs_service_role, "customEcsServiceRole" # default: ecsServiceRole
set :ecs_deploy_wait_timeout, 600 # default: 300
set :ecs_wait_until_services_stable_max_attempts, 40 # optional
set :ecs_wait_until_services_stable_delay, 15 # optional
set :ecs_client_params, { retry_mode: "standard", max_attempts: 10 } # default: {}
set :ecs_tasks, [
name: "myapp-#{fetch(:rails_env)}",
container_definitions: [
name: "myapp",
image: "#{fetch(:docker_registry_host_with_port)}/myapp:#{fetch(:sha1)}",
cpu: 1024,
memory: 512,
port_mappings: [],
essential: true,
environment: [
{name: "RAILS_ENV", value: fetch(:rails_env)},
mount_points: [
source_volume: "sockets_path",
container_path: "/app/tmp/sockets",
read_only: false,
volumes_from: [],
log_configuration: {
log_driver: "fluentd",
options: {
"tag" => "docker.#{fetch(:rails_env)}.#{name}.{{.ID}}",
name: "nginx",
image: "#{fetch(:docker_registry_host_with_port)}/my-nginx",
cpu: 256,
memory: 256,
links: [],
port_mappings: [
{container_port: 443, host_port: 443, protocol: "tcp"},
essential: true,
environment: {},
mount_points: [],
volumes_from: [
{source_container: "myapp-#{fetch(:rails_env)}", read_only: false},
log_configuration: {
log_driver: "fluentd",
options: {
"tag" => "docker.#{fetch(:rails_env)}.#{name}.{{.ID}}",
volumes: [{name: "sockets_path", host: {}}],
set :ecs_scheduled_tasks, [
cluster: "default", # Defaults to fetch(:ecs_default_cluster)
rule_name: "schedule_name",
schedule_expression: "cron(0 12 * * ? *)",
description: "schedule_description", # Optional
target_id: "task_name", # Defaults to the task_definition_name
task_definition_name: "myapp-#{fetch(:rails_env)}",
task_count: 2, # Default 1
revision: 12, # Optional
role_arn: "TaskRoleArn", # Optional
container_overrides: [ # Optional
name: "myapp-main",
command: ["ls"],
set :ecs_services, [
name: "myapp-#{fetch(:rails_env)}",
load_balancers: [
load_balancer_name: "service-elb-name",
container_port: 443,
container_name: "nginx",
target_group_arn: "alb_target_group_arn",
container_port: 443,
container_name: "nginx",
desired_count: 1,
deployment_configuration: {maximum_percent: 200, minimum_healthy_percent: 50},
bundle exec cap <stage> ecs:register_task_definition # register ecs_tasks as TaskDefinition
bundle exec cap <stage> ecs:deploy_scheduled_task # register ecs_scheduled_tasks to CloudWatchEvent
bundle exec cap <stage> ecs:deploy # create or update Service by ecs_services info
bundle exec cap <stage> ecs:rollback # deregister current task definition and update Service by previous revision of current task definition
sequence | taskdef | service | desc |
1 | myapp:12 | myapp-service | |
2 | myapp:13 | myapp-service | |
3 | myapp:14 | myapp-service | current |
After rollback
sequence | taskdef | service | desc |
1 | myapp:12 | myapp-service | |
2 | myapp:13 | myapp-service | |
3 | myapp:14 | myapp-service | deregister |
4 | myapp:13 | myapp-service | current |
And rollback again
sequence | taskdef | service | desc |
1 | myapp:12 | myapp-service | |
2 | myapp:13 | myapp-service | previous |
3 | myapp:14 | myapp-service | deregister |
4 | myapp:13 | myapp-service | deregister |
5 | myapp:12 | myapp-service | current |
And deploy new version
sequence | taskdef | service | desc |
1 | myapp:12 | myapp-service | |
2 | myapp:13 | myapp-service | |
3 | myapp:14 | myapp-service | deregister |
4 | myapp:13 | myapp-service | deregister |
5 | myapp:12 | myapp-service | |
6 | myapp:15 | myapp-service | current |
And rollback
sequence | taskdef | service | desc |
1 | myapp:12 | myapp-service | |
2 | myapp:13 | myapp-service | |
3 | myapp:14 | myapp-service | deregister |
4 | myapp:13 | myapp-service | deregister |
5 | myapp:12 | myapp-service | |
6 | myapp:15 | myapp-service | deregister |
7 | myapp:12 | myapp-service | current |
The autoscaler of ecs_deploy
supports auto scaling of ECS services and clusters.
- An ECS cluster whose instances belong to either an Auto Scaling group or a Spot Fleet request
- You have CloudWatch alarms and you want to scale services when their state changes
First, write a configuration file (YAML format) like below:
# ポーリング時にupscale_triggersに指定した状態のalarmがあればstep分serviceとinstanceを増やす (max_task_countまで)
# ポーリング時にdownscale_triggersに指定した状態のalarmがあればstep分serviceとinstanceを減らす (min_task_countまで)
# max_task_countは段階的にリミットを設けられるようにする
# 一回リミットに到達するとcooldown_for_reach_maxを越えても状態が継続したら再開するようにする
polling_interval: 60
- name: ecs-cluster-nodes
region: ap-northeast-1
cluster: ecs-cluster
# autoscaler will set the capacity to (buffer + desired_tasks * required_capacity).
# Adjust this value if it takes much time to prepare ECS instances and launch new tasks.
buffer: 1
disable_draining: false # cf. spot_instance_intrp_warns_queue_urls
- name: repro-api-production
step: 1
idle_time: 240
max_task_count: [10, 25]
- {from: "1:45", to: "4:30", count: 8}
cooldown_time_for_reach_max: 600
min_task_count: 0
# Required capacity per task (default: 1)
# You should specify "binpack" as task placement strategy if the value is less than 1 and you use an auto scaling group.
required_capacity: 0.5
- alarm_name: "ECS [repro-api-production] CPUUtilization"
state: ALARM
- alarm_name: "ELB repro-api-a HTTPCode_Backend_5XX"
state: ALARM
step: 2
- alarm_name: "ECS [repro-api-production] CPUUtilization (low)"
state: OK
- id: sfr-354de735-2c17-4565-88c9-10ada5b957e5
region: ap-northeast-1
cluster: ecs-cluster-for-worker
buffer: 1
disable_draining: false # cf. spot_instance_intrp_warns_queue_urls
- name: repro-worker-production
step: 1
idle_time: 240
cooldown_time_for_reach_max: 600
min_task_count: 0
# Required capacity per task (default: 1)
# The capacity assumes that WeightedCapacity is equal to the number of vCPUs.
required_capacity: 2
- alarm_name: "ECS [repro-worker-production] CPUUtilization"
state: ALARM
- alarm_name: "ECS [repro-worker-production] CPUUtilization (low)"
state: OK
- alarm_name: "Aurora DMLLatency is high"
state: ALARM
prioritized_over_upscale_triggers: true
# When you use spot instances, instances that receive interruption warnings should be drained.
# If you set URLs of SQS queues for spot instance interruption warnings to `spot_instance_intrp_warns_queue_urls`,
# autoscaler drains instances to interrupt and detaches the instances from the auto scaling groups with
# should_decrement_desired_capacity false.
# If you set ECS_ENABLE_SPOT_INSTANCE_DRAINING to true, we recommend that you opt out of the draining feature
# by setting disable_draining to true in the configurations of auto scaling groups and spot fleet requests.
# Otherwise, instances don't seem to be drained on rare occasions.
# Even if you opt out of the feature, you still have the advantage of setting `spot_instance_intrp_warns_queue_urls`
# because instances to interrupt are replaced with new instances as soon as possible.
Then, execute the following command:
ecs_auto_scaler <config yaml>
It is recommended to run the ecs_auto_scaler
via a container on ECS.
Signal | Description |
TERM, INT | Shutdown gracefully |
CONT | Resume auto scaling |
TSTP | Pause auto scaling (Run only container instance draining) |
The following permissions are required for the preceding configuration of "repro-api-production" service:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
If you use spot instances, additional permissions are required like below:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "ecs:UpdateContainerInstancesState",
"Resource": "arn:aws:ecs:ap-northeast-1:<account-id>:container-instance/ecs-cluster/*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:sqs:ap-northeast-1:<account-id>:spot-instance-intrp-warns"
The following permissions are required for the preceding configuration of "repro-worker-production" service:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:sqs:ap-northeast-1:<account-id>:spot-instance-intrp-warns"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
Add the following configuration and hooks to your config/deploy.rb
# deploy.rb
set :ecs_instance_fluctuation_manager_configs, [
region: "ap-northeast-1",
cluster: "CLUSTER_NAME",
auto_scaling_group_name: "AUTO_SCALING_GROUP_NAME",
desired_capacity: 20, # original capacity of auto scaling group
This configuration enables tasks ecs:increase_instances_to_max_size
and ecs:terminate_redundant_instances
If this configuration is not set, the above tasks do nothing.
The task ecs:increase_instances_to_max_size
will increase ECS instances.
The task ecs:terminate_redundant_instances
will decrease ECS instances considering AZ balance.
Hook configuration example:
after "deploy:updating", "ecs:increase_instances_to_max_size"
after "deploy:finished", "ecs:terminate_redundant_instances"
after "deploy:failed", "ecs:terminate_redundant_instances"
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem
file to
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at