Learning Goals
Working within an already established code base to implement the following:
- Integrate Github Oauth to verify a user's identity and consume Github's API to display a user's github repos, followers and following users.
- Establish a self referential relationship in the User model to friend other users within the database.
- Use email verification to activate an account.
- Use email to invite friends with a Github account to register for an account with our app.
This is a Ruby on Rails application used to organize YouTube content used for online learning. Each tutorial is a playlist of video segments. Within the application an admin is able to create tags for each tutorial in the database. A visitor or registered user can then filter tutorials based on these tags.
A visitor is able to see all of the content on the application but in order to bookmark a segment they will need to register. Once registered a user can bookmark any of the segments in a tutorial page.
First you'll need to setup an API key with YouTube and have it defined within ENV['YOUTUBE_API_KEY']. Using the developer settings in github register your app with github for a clientid and secret for Oauth access: ENV['GITHUB_CLIENT_ID'], ENV['GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET']
Clone down the repo
$ git clone
Install the gem packages
$ bundle install
Install node packages for stimulus
$ brew install node
$ brew install yarn
$ yarn add stimulus
Set up the database
$ rake db:create
$ rake db:migrate
$ rake db:seed
Run the test suite:
$ bundle exec rspec
- Ruby 2.4.1
- Rails 5.2.0