Rerun module to manage working with Github
[anthony@centos62-dukesbank-rerun github]$ rerun github Available commands in module, "/home/anthony/src/dtolabs/dukesbank/examples/example5/rerun/modules/github": create-download: "Create a new download" [ --content-type|-c ]: "File content (mime) type" [ --description|-d <>]: "Download file description" --file|-f <>: "File to use to create the new download" --owner|-o <>: "Repository owner (user or organization)" --repository|-r <>: "Repository name" [ --url|-u ]: "Github API URL" delete-download: "Delete a download" --file|-f <>: "Download file to delete" --owner|-o <>: "Repository owner (user or organization)" --repository|-r <>: "Repository name" [ --url|-u ]: "Github API URL" get-authorization-token: "Get an authorization token to access the API" [ --url|-u ]: "Github API URL" list-downloads: "List downloads for a repository" --owner|-o <>: "Repository owner (user or organization)" --repository|-r <>: "Repository name" [ --url|-u ]: "Github API URL"
Run github:get-authorization-token first and provide your Github username and password to get an API authorization token (stored in "~/.rerun/github.authorization") for use with subsequent command invocations.
Note that this module relies on jq for dealing with JSON passed to and from the Github API