Dependencies on other Microservices:
- Geostore
- Control Tower
You need to install Docker in your machine if you haven't already Docker
Follow the next steps to set up the development environment in your machine.
- Clone the repo and go to the folder
git clone
cd aqueduct-analysis-microservice
and set the corresponding variable values -
Run the shell script in development mode.
./ develop
or with the auxillery services included:
./ gr_develop
If this is the first time you run it, it may take a few minutes.
In order to populate the DB you will need to place a database dump in the
folder and source it from within the postgres container.
Copy the dump (assuming
) into ./data from host machine (your laptop) -
Ensure the database is running (containerized) docker-compose -f docker-compose-gr.yml up aqueduct-postgres
Get a shell prompt on the database container docker exec -it aqueduct-postgres-gr /bin/bash
**** change to the data directory cd /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
- Import data pg_restore -1 -U postgres -d flood_v2 flood_v3.dump
The API has been packed in a Python module (aqueduct). It creates and exposes a WSGI application. The core functionality has been divided in three different layers or submodules (Routes, Services and Models).
There are also some generic submodules that manage the request validations, HTTP errors and the background tasks manager.
merge into dev deploy remote is the one watched by Jenkins git push deploy dev:dev
- Load database (get from Todd)
- gr_develop
- curl http://localhost:5100/api/v1/aqueduct/analysis | jq is the base url. This should give you a 400.
- aqueduct/routes/api/v1/ has routing information
- curl http://localhost:5100/api/v1/aqueduct/analysis/cba/widget/1 | jq I believe connects to change in #177628334