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George Dawoud edited this page Mar 24, 2018 · 3 revisions

ChurchCRM should only run on HTTPS connections.

If you don't have an SSL certificate for your domain, Lets Encrypt provides free SSL certificates that may fit your needs


User Accounts

Any "Person" in ChurchCRM may be promoted to a "User." By default, a "Person" in ChurchCRM is not allowed to log into the system until an administrator provisions them with a user account.

Role Based Access Control

ChurchCRM contains many roles to control access to your church's sensitive data:

Add Records

Edit Records

Delete Records

Manage Properties and Classifications

Manage Groups and Roles

Manage Donations and Finance

View, Add, and Edit Notes

Edit Self



Granular Permissions

In addition to the above roles, the following actions are controlled granularly "Per-User":







Developer Notes

Security is currently handled by $_SESSION variables. If a user has been assigned a given role, the name of that role will be present as a key in the $_SESSION array.

  #This user has been assigned the Admin role
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