The readouts are defined in a RML file, in this case in readouts_IAXOD0.rml
. This file contains definitions for multiple readouts which correspond to the section called TRestDetectorReadout
with name given by the field name
In order to generate the readout.root
file follow this instructions. We use a RML file called readouts_IAXOD0.rml
which contains the readout named IAXOD0_Readout
Open a ROOT prompt and load REST libraries (type
). -
From the ROOT shell create a new
object referencing the RML file and thename
of the readout to use
TRestDetectorReadout *readout = new TRestDetectorReadout("readouts_IAXOD0.rml", "iaxo_readout")
- Create a ROOT file to save the readout into
TFile *f = new TFile("readouts.root", "RECREATE")
- Save the readout with a name of our choice which will be used to reference this readout inside the file (in this case "iaxo_readout"). One can create multiple readouts and save them all to the same, then we can choose to load the one we need. To add a new readout to an existing readouts.root file, use the option "UPDATE" instead of "RECREATE".
- Safely close the file