This is the rethinkpriorities
R package. The goal of this package is to collect R functions that are likely to be re-used across projects from Rethink Priorities. As such, this package is for internal use only.
This repo also includes functions the rethinkpriorities::book
style; see hosted example and 'how-to'
Currently there are no plans to submit this package to CRAN, so the package can be installed from this GitHub repository, using the following code:
After installing the package, you can load the package using library(rethinkpriorities)
Note that the name of the R package is different from the name of the GitHub repository.
illustration of how to add a function here (video)
Tweaking and viewing the RPR style css in Chrome, adjusting it in the RP package (video)
DR: I went through my functions.R
file and added nearly all the functions actually used in EA Survey work (plus a very few more that I thought were worth highlighting).
Note that some of these functions/R files...:
are just slight tweaks on existing functions, setting options or whatever
are only used in the ML tidymodels work
some .R files have multiple exported functions, not sure I did this right
some are not very 'general use', as they refer to specific existing relative folder paths, or require other packages installed (which I've tried to document, but not always)
I started an additional ’noodling functions’ package. Those are functions that are just helpful when dynamically working in R; they are mainly not for producing output.
As noted above, most of these functions were used in ea data work. However, some of these might be improved or replaced