Binaries of the repositories/branches
Branched from mist-firmware/master, a257988
Fix fatal error 4 when choosing new FPGA core
minimig setup in fpga_init() calls ChangeDirectory(DIRECTORY_ROOT) that causes a "No FPGA configuration file found!" fatal error 4 when choosing a new core immediatly after the minimig core has been started. Save old directory and restore it after minimig setup.
Make Kickstart 1.2/1.3 honour changes of memory configuration
Kickstart 1.2 & 1.3 don't honour memory configuration changes on reset. This is annoying. Added a patch that forces Kickstart 1.2/1.3 to reconfigure memory on every reset.
Works with standard (256KB) and overdumped (512KB) 1.2/1.3 ROM images.
Patch is active by default and this is shown in the minimig startup screen left to memory configuration:
[Kick 1.x patch enabled]
.Kickstart ROM indicates the memory detection with a dark grey screen background.
Patch can be disabled in mist.ini, section minimig_config:
[minimig_config] kick1x_memory_detection_patch=0
TODO/not tested (yet):
- does this work with resident programs?
- does the resident ram disk RAD: still work?
Improve stability of core startup when a new configuration is loaded
- After Kickstart ROM upload clear CPU Vector Table before resetting the CPU
- Clear Kickstart Mirror at $E0xxxx when Kickstart ROM size is 256KB
Fix IDE on/off, ask to reboot when changed
Ask to reboot when IDE on/off changes, not only when hard disk master/slave configuration changes.
Branched from minimig-mist/dev, 34ccb73
- TG68K: fix CMPM.B instruction
- TG68K: fix ADDX.B, SUBX.B instructions
- TG68K: fix RTR instruction
same as minimig_mist_20190922.rbf but synthesized with Fitter effort: Standard Fit
TG68K: implementation of RTD instruction
Fixes crash of mmu.library from MMULib package (
Disable joystick1/mouse when OSD is active
This is a follow-up commit for gyurco's CD 32 pad changes
Code cleanup with changes from Minimig-AGA_MiSTer
Cleanup with cherry-picks/backports from Minimig-AGA_MiSTer, mainly memory map changes/fixes
- Kickstart ROM memory areas are now write-protected(!)
- new memory layout enables up to 1.5MB SLOW MEM instead if just 512KB. Now max. memory is 2MB CHIP + 1.5MB SLOW + 24MB FAST = 27.5MB!